![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
e. Replace defective parts as authorized.
e. Install screws (11 and 13), spacer (9), and lock
washers (10) in carriage supports.
f. Remove blocks and lower inner mast to floor
10-31. Assembly and Installation
using a suitable hoist.
a. Refer to figure 10-8 and assemble and install as
g. Using hoist, install backrest (1) on carriage
follows: b. Install same size and quantity of shims (5)and
frame (7) with lock washers (2) and screws (3).
6) as found in disassembly. Install bearings (4).
h. Operate mast assembly and check carriage
c. Using hoist, raise and lower carriage frame
movement for side play and binding. If necessary,
assembly in inner mast channels several times to check
remove carriage and backrest assembly again and
for free movement throughout entire range of travel. If
reshim. Alinement of inner mast channels and bearings
bearings bind, reshim to 0.015 of an inch clearance
should also be checked, if a second removal is
between bearings and mast channel.
Note. Divide shims as equally as possible between
i. Lower carriage to lowest point of travel, check
bearings. Shims are available in 0.015 and 0.C40 inch
distance from lower horizontal fork support to floor.
Distance should be adjusted within the 234 to 31/4 inch
d. When carriage frame moves freely within
range. Refer to TM 10-3930-621-12 for adjustment
clearance specified, secure chains with anchor pins to
frame. Before releasing hoist, check that chains are
j. Install and lock carriage forks.
secure at cylinder cluster and running evenly, with no
h. Remove short screws (7), lock washers (9), flat
10-32. Description
washers (8), bushings (10), and nuts (11) attaching
A hydraulic reservoir, located under the floor plate in the
reservoir to mounting plate near front wheel.
driver's compartment, contains sufficient oil for the entire
i. Remove long screws (6), lock washers (9), flat
hydraulic and power steering systems. The tank is of
washers (8), bushings (10), and nuts (11) attaching
welded construction. Oil is added through a gage
reservoir to rear crossmember of frame.
opening and measured on a screened gage installed in
i. Slowly lower and remove reservoir (1).
the tube. The reservoir is drained through a pipe plug
installed in a cover at the bottom of the tank. Oil is
10-34. Cleaning and Inspection
withdrawn by the pump and returned from the control
valve through tubing connected at diagonal corners of
a. Flush reservoir (1) with cleaning compound,
the tank. Hydraulic oil is returned to the tank from the
solvent (Spec.
Dry thoroughly with
power steering gear through a coupling at the bottom of
compressed air.
the tank.
b. Inspect tank for rust, cracked seams or
damaged threads.
c. Clean breather and gage screen with reverse
10-33. Removal
flow of hydraulic fluid or compressed air.
a. Refer to figure 10-10 and remove as follows:
d. Inspect all parts for damage and replace as
b. Remove floor plates (TM 10-3930-621-12).
Drain reservoir and remove breather (2), gage (3), and
e. Replace packing.
screen (4) from top of reservoir (1).
c. Disconnect suction and return hydraulic lines on
10-35. Repair
top of reservoir (1).
d. Lift front end of truck and block in position to
a. If damage is such that repair by welding is
permit reservoir to be removed.
possible, flush tank thoroughly to remove all traces of
e. Disconnect power steering hydraulic return line
explosive solvents, both liquid and vapor.
at elbow (5) and allow line to drain. Remove elbow (5)
from tank.
Note. Reservoir must be thoroughly cleaned and
f. Remove nuts (14), cover (13), and packing (15)
flushed after repair.
from bottom of reservoir (1). Discard packing.
b. If damage is beyond reasonable welding repair,
g. Block reservoir (1) to support during removal.
replace tank as authorized.
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