![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(6) Refer to figure 7-6 and disassemble differential
(c) Install front bearing cone (4) on gear
assembly (27) as follows:
assembly pinion shaft (2).
(a) Remove adjusting nuts (7) and, using bearing
(d) Install shaft with bearing cone in carrier,
puller, remove side bearing cones (8) from case halves
firmly seating front bearing cone (4) in its cup (5).
(e) Install rear bearing cone (17) on gear
(b) Remove side bearing cups (9).
assembly pinion shaft (2), firmly seating rear bearing
(c) Remove screws (34) holding case halves
cone in its cup (16).
(33) together and remove plain case half. Note. One
(f) Press pinion flange (19) on shaft (2) and
case half is flanged and the other plain. Case halves
secure with slotted nut (21). Torque nut to 15 to 25 inch-
must be marked for proper assembly.
pounds and spin gear to seat bearings.
(d) Remove pin (30), pinion gear thrust washers
(g) Position differential assembly (27) on carrier
(28), and pinion gears (29) from cross pin (35).
(e) Remove side gear thrust washers (32), side
(h) Using feeler gage, check dimension between
gears (31), and cross pin (35).
face of pinion gear (2) and outside diameter of the
(7) Remove carrier attaching nuts (12), threaded to
case (33). Tolerance for pinion etched with 0.000 is
axle housing studs (10), and self- locking bolts (13).
0.154 to 0.158 of an inch. Tolerance for pinion etched
(8) Remove differential carrier (11) from axle housing.
with 0.004 is 0.158 to 0.162.
Discard carrier gasket (1). b. Cleaning, Inspection, and
(i) Determine difference between feeler gage
dimension and required dimension as stated in (h) and
(1) Clean all parts with cleaning compound, solvent
make up a compressed shim pack, consisting of an
(Spec. P-S-661). Dry thoroughly with compressed air.
equal amount of rear shims (15) and front shims.
(2) Inspect all parts for cracks, chips, excessive wear
Measure compressed pack with micrometer.
or other damage.
(j) Remove differential assembly (27) and pinion
(3) Pinion and ring gear must be replaced as a set.
shaft (2) from carrier (11).
(4) Replace all oil seals and gaskets. Replace all
(k) Remove bearing cones (4 and 17) from shaft
other parts as authorized.
(5) Refer to paragraph 1-4 for Repair and
(l) Install front shim pack (3) on shaft next to
Replacement Standards.
pinion gear, press on front bearing cone (4), and install
c. Assembly and Adjustment.
assembly in carrier.
(1) Refer to figure 7-6 and assemble differential
(m) Install new oil seal (18), rear bearing cone
assembly as follows:
(17), rear shim pack (15), and spacer (14) on pinion
(2) Assemble differential assembly (27) as follows:
shaft (2).
(a) Position cross pin (35), side gears (31), and
(n) Torque slotted nut (21) to 15 to 25 inch-
side gear thrust washers (32) in flanged case half.
pounds and install cotter pin (20).
(b) Install pinion gears (29), pinion gear thrust
(o) Position case assembly on carrier and
washers (28), and pin (30) on cross pin (35). Check for
recheck dimensions per operation (h) above.
proper gear mesh.
(4) Install and adjust case assembly in carrier as follows:
(c) Aline plain and flanged case (33) match
(a) Position case assembly on carrier
marks and joint cases with screws (34).
engaging ring gear and pinion (2), and install, but do not
(d) Press side bearing cups (9) and side bearing
tighten bearing caps.
cone (8) in both halves of case (33) and install, but do
Caution: Side bearing cups(9) must be in
not tighten, adjusting nuts (7). (3) Assemble and adjust
original position and caps must be installed as
carrier assembly as follows:
(a) Install gear assembly ring gear (2) on flanged
(b) Using a dial indicator and spanner tool on
case half (33) and secure with screws (26).
adjusting nut as illustrated in figure 7-7, adjust ring gear
(b) Press bearing cups (5 and 16) into carrier
laterally for a backlash of 0.005 to 0.010 of an inch. To
(11). Be sure they are firmly seated.
increase backlash, loosen adjusting nut nearest ring
gear, and tighten the one opposite. To decrease
backlash, reverse operation.
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