![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
compressed position, depress treadle assembly slightly
3) from shaft.
and carefully slide pin and spring from sleeve (10).
i. Remove adjusting nut (7, fig. 6-12) and setscrew (6),
If necessary, remove sleeve (10) from
and lubrication fitting (4) from treadle assembly (20). If
transmission inching valve.
the adjusting nut is to be removed from setscrew, mark
f. Remove screw (11, fig. 8-3) holding pedal shaft in
location for proper assembly.
position and screw (12, fig. 6-12) and lock washer (11).
6-21. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement
Install 3A8-24 x 11/2 inch screw in tapped hole in end of
a. Clean all parts with cleaning compound, solvent
shaft. Remove bracket (13, fig. 6-12).
(Spec. P-S-661). Dry thoroughly with compressed air.
g. Holding inching treadle assembly (20, fig. 6- 12)
b. Inspect bearings (5, fig. 6-12) and shaft for
and brake pedal assembly (16, fig. 8-3)'in position and
excessive wear.
using screw installed in end of pedal shaft (10), pull pedal
Inspect treadle assembly (20) for cracks,
shaft out from steering support bracket.
deformation or other damage.
h. Slowly remove inching treadle assembly (20, fig.
Figure 6-12. Inching pedal, exploded view
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