![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(5) into position on both sides of throttle body
(48) Retainers must he flush to avoid striking throttle
j. Install idle adjusting screw (9) and spring (8). Seat
lever (42).
lightly, then back out 1 /4 turns.
i. Install throttle levers 138 and 42) and plate (6) as
k. Install idle jet (47).
l. Install fuel valve and seat (19) and washer (18).
(1) Aline spring (39), levers (38 and 42) and
m. Install main jet plug (23), washers (22 and 24) and
drivers (40) with shaft (49) and then slowly insert shaft
jet (21).
into throttle body(48).Tighten lever clamping screws
n. Install float mounting axle (17) and float (13).
o. Set float level at 1-15 / 32 3/ 64 of an inch from
(2) Insert pins (3) in shaft and install spring
float top to machined surface of throttle body (48). If
retainer (37) on shaft, securing it with a cotter pin (36).
necessary, bend float lever with long nosed pliers to
(3) Rotate shaft (49) to wide open position, insert
obtain correct level.
throttle plate (6), and then rotate shaft to close position,
p. Insert venturi (14) in throttle body bore, large
holding plate in place.
opening first. Venturi flange must be set in throttle body
(4) Install plate screws(7) and tighten securely,
recess below the bowl gasket.
making certain plate is correctly centered in body bore.
q. Attach completed throttle body (48) to fuel bowl (20)
Note. The screw holes in the throttle plate are
with new gasket. Tighten the four screws (25) evenly
off center Start the side of the throttle plate with the
and firmly.
shortest distance between the screw holes and beveled
r. Hold the throttle lever (42) in closed position and
edge into the shaft first The throttle plate is made with
turn throttle stop screw (4) until it contacts stop on body;
two opposite edges beveled, fit the throttle plate) bore
then turn screw 1 2 additional turns.
when the plate is closed. The throttle plate will not close
s. Place new gasket (52) over mounting bolts (50) and
tightly if installed upside down. To properly center the
lock washers (51).
plate in the bore, the screws should be started in the
4-6. Installation and Operational Adjustment
shaft and then with the plate closed, and pressure
Refer to TM 10-3930-621-12 for installation and
maintained with the fingers, tighten the screws. When
operational adjustment procedures.
correctly installed the of the plate farthest away from
the mounting flange will tee alined with the idle discharge
holes when the plate is closed
Section II. Fuel Tank
fuel tank (12), and carefully lift the transmitter from the
4-7. Description
The fuel tank is of 4 1/2 gallon capacity with associated
Caution: Do not bend transmitter float arm during
parts consisting of a fuel level transmitter, a locked fuel
tank cap, and a needle shut- off valve with tubing.
disassembly or assembly.
4-8. Removal
h. Discard gasket (25).
Refer, TM 10-3930-621-12 for removal procedure-.
4-10. Cleaning and Inspection
4-9. Disassembly
a. Flush fuel tank with cleaning compound, solvent
a. Refer to figure 4-2 and disassemble fuel tank b.
(Spec P-S-661). Dry thoroughly with compressed air.
Open shut- off valve (22) to drain any residual fuel and
b. Inspect tank for rust, cracked seams or dam aged
remove valve with tubing from elbow.
c. Remove elbow (13). nipple (23) and plug (24)
Inspect all associated parts for damage or
from bottom of tank (12).
d. Remove filler cap (7),assembly by unscrewing from
4-11. Repair
top of tank.
Warning: If damage to the fuel tank is such that
e. Remove plug (8) from top of tank.
welding is necessary, flush tank thoroughly to
f. Disconnect electrical lead (3) to transmitter (6) by
remove all traces of explosive solvents and fuel.
removing the attaching nut (1) and lock washer (2).
Both liquid and vapor must be completely removed
g. Remove transmitter screws (4) and flat washers
before any welding attempt is made.
(5), which mount the transmitter (6) to the
If damage is beyond reasonable welding repair,
replace tank and associated parts as authorized.
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