![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(3) File off the riveted or peened end of the
4-1. Description
throttle plate screws (7).
a. The carburetor used in this fuel system is a single
venturi, updraft type with fixed jets covering all speeds
Note. When such screws are riveted or peened
except idle. The flow of fuel through the main jet system
the threaded end of the too screws must be filed flat
is controlled by the size of the jet. The idle adjusting
before removal to avoid breakage or stripping of threads
screw controls the fuel mixture for the idle system.
in the shaft. In some cases it may be necessary to use a
b. It has an air-bleed well method of compression, and
small (1/") round file and cut slightly below the surface
idle fuel adjusting screw, and an idle throttle stop screw.
of the shaft because of a slight counterbore around the
The air intake of the carburetor is provided with a choke
screw hole.
4-2. Removal
Caution: Avoid striking and cutting the side
Refer to TM10-3930-621-12for remove procedures.
of the throttle body (47) bore or the throttle plate (6)
4-3. Disassembly
when filing the screws.
Before disassembling, clean carburetor with
(4) Remove the screws and pull out the throttle
cleaning compound, solvent (Spec. P-S-661). Dry
plate (6).
thoroughly with compressed air.
(5) Loosen clamping screws (46) on levers (38
and 42).
a. Refer to figure 4-1 and disassemble carburetor as
(6) Remove cotter pin (36) from spring retainer
(37) and remove retainer from shaft (49).
b. Remove two mounting bolts (50) and lock washers
(7) Remove pins (3) from shaft (49).
(51) from body (48).
(8) Slowly slide shaft (49) from throttle body (48),
c. Remove four screws (25) which attach throttle body
using caution in removing levers (38 and 42), spring (39)
to fuel bowl (20).
and drivers (40) as they fall from the shaft.
d. Separate throttle body from fuel bowl and discard
k. Remove the throttle shaft retainers (45) and seals
bowl gasket (16).
(5) from the throttle body shaft holes as follows:
e. Remove float mounting axle (17) and remove float
(1) Screw a fine thread taper tap into the retainer
(13) as follows:
and seal until it is firmly seated.
(1) Press screwdriver against axle (17) at slotted
(2) Insert long punch or rod through opposite
side of float hinge bracket and force through hinge
shaft hole and drive the punch against the end of the tap
until the retainer and seal are free. Repeat operation for
(2) Remove axle completely with fingers from
other retainer and seal.
opposite side and remove float.
l. Remove drain plug (26) from outside bottom of fuel
f. Remove main jet plug (23), washers (22 and 24)
and jet (21).
m. Remove main discharge jet (11) and washer (12)
g. Remove venturi I-4F.
from center of large opening in machined surface of fuel
h. Remove idle jet (47).
i. Remove idle adjusting screw (9) and spring (8).
n. Remove well vent jet (15) from center of large
j. Remove throttle plate (6) shaft (49) and stop lever
opening in machined surface of the fuel bowl with a small
assembly (2) as follows:
(1) Unscrew throttle stop screw (4) until threaded
o. Remove valve and seat (19) and washer (18).
end is flush with lever.
p. Disassemble the choke as follows:
(2) Make match marks with center punch on
(1) Remove the return spring (33) from choke
throttle body and all levers, to act as a guide to
shaft (31) and bracket (28).
reassemble these parts in the same position as
(2) Make match marks with a center punch or file
on choke bracket, air intake bore and lever to act as a
guide to reassemble these parts in same position as
when removed.
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