3-72. General
c. Installation. Refer to figure 3-63 and install
hydraulic reservoir breather as follows:
a. Power to raise, lower, and tilt the mast and car-
(1) Install filter element in cap and secure with
riage is supplied by the hydraulic system (fig. 3-59).
Hydraulic oil is stored in a reservoir and pumped by
(2) Check oil level on level gage. Add oil (OE) to
the hydraulic pump to a control valve. Manipulation
bring level to FULL mark on gage.
of the control valve levers opens and closes ports to
(3) Install breather on reservoir.
the various cylinders, providing motion.
(4) Install floor plate.
b. The system also supplies the hydraulic oil pres-
sure for the power steering system.
3-74. Hydraulic Oil Filter
c. The main components as illustrated on figure
a. Genera1. The micron-type hydraulic oil filter is
mounted under the right hand cowl next to the hy-
control valve, filter, lift and tilt cylinders, and hoses
draulic control valve. Hose assemblies lead from the
and tubes.
control valve to the filter and from the filter to the
3-73. Hydraulic Reservoir Breather
b. Service. Service of the filter consists of replacing
a. Removal. Refer to figure 3-63 and remove the
the filter element. Refer to figure 3-64 to service the
breather from the hydraulic reservoir as follows:
hydraulic oil filter.
(1) Remove floor plate.
(1) Remove the right hand cowl.
(2) Remove breather from hydraulic oil reservoir.
(2) Place a suitable container or rags beneath fil-
(3) Remove screw from top of breather and re-
ter to catch oil as element is removed.
move filter element.
(3) Support filter base and unscrew head bolt
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the filter ele-
to lower filter base.
ment with hydraulic oil or with a reverse flow of
(4) Lower filter base and remove filter element
compressed air. If element cannot be cleaned or is
and gasket from base.
damaged, replace breather.
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