![]() (2) Install cylinder in mounting bracket and place
pin (6) and washers (10) through bracket and cylin-
(3) Secure pin and cylinder in bracket with screw
(8) and lock washers (7).
(4) Remove plugs from hoses and cylinder and
connect hoses (5 and 11) to adapters (4) in cylinder.
e. Adjustment. Set the steering wheels straight
ahead and parallel with frame. Adjust tie rods (para
3-69) to obtain correct toe-in, if necessary. Adjust
steering cylinder as follows:
(1) If cylinder is installed, remove cotter pin (1,
yoke from ball on pivot arm.
(2) Pull cylinder rod one-half way out of cylinder.
Rod should extend approximately four inches.
(3) Hold cylinder rod with open end wrench on
flats provided. Turn yoke assembly in or out on rod
until yoke ball socket is centered over ball on pivot
(4) Install yoke on ball and tighten adjusting
plug (16) to hold yoke in position. Secure adjusting
plug with cotter pin (1).
(5) Tighten nut (3) to secure yoke assembly in
1. Adjustingplug
8. Nut
position on cylinder rod.
9. Lubrication
2. Ball seat
3. Spring
(6) Lubricate cylinder and yoke with grease
4. Spacing washer
10. Ball socket
5. Cotter pin
11. Boot
6. Lubrication
12. N u t
(7) Lower truck to floor and remove jacks or chain
13. Cotter pin
7. Tie rod tube
(8) Check hydraulic oil level in reservoir and fill
Figure 3-60. Tie rod,
to FULL mark on dipstick.
exploded view.
(9) Start engine and operate steering wheel to
full right and full left. Wheel spindles should contact
stop screws on steering axle to prevent piston from
bottoming in cylinder. Loosen nut (fig. 3-62) and ex-
(4) Install screw in end of pin (6) and remove
tend stop screws, if necessary, to stop spindle travel
pin and flat washers (10) from cylinder and bracket.
before cylinder piston bottoms.
(5) Remove cotter pin (1) from end of yoke ball
socket (12) and loosen adjusting plug (16) far enough
to remove ball socket from ball on pivot arm.
(6) Remove cylinder and yoke from lift truck.
Loosen nut (3) on cylinder rod and remove yoke
from cylinder (17).
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Clean yoke parts with cleaning compound,
solvent (Spec. P-S-661) and dry thoroughly with
compressed air.
(2) Check all parts for dents and damage. Inspect
spring for damage.
(3) Inspect all threaded areas for stripping and
steering cylinder as follows:
(1) Install assembled yoke (12) and nut (3) on
cylinder rod.
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