![]() 3-33. Fuel lank
a. General. The fuel tank is mounted on the left side
of the truck. A fuel line runs from the fuel shut-off
valve to the fuel pump.
fuel tank.
(1) Close the shut-off valve and disconnect the
fuel line from the valve.
(2) Attach a length of hose to the shut-off valve
fitting and drain the tank through the hose into a
suitable container.
(3) Remove three screws, nut, and lock washers
from the outer edge of the mounting plate and re-
move the outer cowl from around the fuel tank.
(4) Disconnect the wire from the fuel tank trans-
mitter terminal.
(5) Remove the three fuel tank mounting screws
and lock washers securing the fuel tank to the mount-
ing plate. Remove tank from the truck.
c. Cleaning.
(1) Remove the fuel filler cap from the tank.
Clean the strainer.
Figure 3-18. Fuel tank, installed view.
(2) Remove the fuel shut-off valve and elbow
fuel tank on lift truck as follows:
from the bottom of the tank and remove any sedi-
(1) Install tank on mounting plate and secure
ment and water from the tank.
with three mounting screws and lock washers.
(3) Clean the inside and outside of the tank with
(2) Connect wire to terminal on transmitter at
cleaning compound, solvent (Spec. P-S-661) and dry
top of fuel tank.
thoroughly. All solvent must be out of tank and tank
(3) Connect fuel line to fitting in shut-off valve
dried thoroughly before filling with fuel.
at bottom of tank.
(4) Install elbow and valve in bottom of tank.
(4) Install cowl around fuel tank and secure with
Install fuel filler cap on tank.
three screws, nut, and lock washers.
3-34. General
pipe free at each end and remove from engine.
(2) To remove tail pipe, loosen clamp (fig. 3-20)
The engine exhaust system carries the engine ex-
securing pipe to muffler. Remove screw and lock
haust gases from the manifold, through the muffler
washer securing tail pipe clamp to frame and remove
and out the rear of the truck. An exhaust pipe, bolted
clamp and tail pipe.
to the exhaust manifold, carries the gases to the
(3) To remove muffler, disconnect the tail and
muffler mounted on the inside of the left frame. The
exhaust pipes from the muffler. Remove two screws
gases pass through the muffler and out the tail pipe
and washers (fig. 3-20) and remove the muffler from
connected to the same end as the exhaust pipe.
the frame. Remove two grommets from muffler
Clamps attach the two pipes to the muffler.
mounting brackets.
3-35. Muffler and Pipes
(4) To remove the exhaust elbow, disconnect
the exhaust pipe from the elbow. Remove four nuts
and lock washers (fig. 3-19) securing the elbow to the
move the muffler and pipes as follows:
manifold and remove the elbow and gasket from the
(1) To remove the exhaust pipe, loosen clamp
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