![]() Figure 3-8. Cylinder head tightening sequence.
(2) Refer to paragraph 3-31 and disconnect fuel
(3) Do not tighten bolts and nuts to final torque
lines from fuel pump.
in a single pass. Tighten bolts and nuts to approxi-
(3) Remove nut and washer and remove rear
mately 1/3 of the required torque (20 foot pounds)
cover, with fuel pump attached, from the engine.
on the first application. Repeat procedure to apply
c. Clearance Adjustment.
another 20 foot pounds of torque. Finally tighten
(1) Disconnect high tension wire leading from
head to proper torque.
coil to distributor to prevent accidental starting.
(4) Refer to paragraph 3-38 and install thermo-
(2) Refer to paragraph 3-46 and remove spark
stat housing and thermostat.
plugs. Remove the timing cover and clamp from fly-
(5) Refer to paragraph 3-46 and install spark
wheel housing.
plugs and cables.
(3) Place thumb over number one cylinder spark
(6) Replenish coolant in radiator before starting
plug opening. Have someone crank engine slowly by
hand until an outward pressure can be felt on thumb
3-25. Valves
indicating that number one piston is moving toward
top dead center.
a. General. Valve clearance settings must be cor-
(4) Continue cranking until timing mark on fly-
rect to assure good engine performance and prolong
wheel is alined with reference line on flywheel hous-
life. Damage to tappets, cams, and valves can result
ing. Refer to figure 3-9. At this point both valves of
if clearance and timing are out of adjustment.
number one cylinder are closed on the compression
b. Preparation.
(1) Remove front valve cover and gasket above
governor by removing nut and washer.
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