![]() b. Move tilt control lever forward to aline forks
d. Refer to paragraph 2-12 and move truck away
horizontally with stack or ground.
from load and return for further loading operations
c. Refer to figure 2-7 and lower load into desired
or parking place.
2-15. General
b. Hold extinguisher upright and raise large lock-
ing handle to break seal.
This section contains instructions for operating the
c. Aim fire extinguisher nozzle at base of fire and
portable fire extinguisher supplied with the truck.
depress small operating lever with the thumb.
2-16. Operating the Extinguisher
d. Extinguish the fire by directing contents of ex-
tinguisher at the base of the fire with a side-to-side
a. Disconnect clamp securing extinguisher to
sweeping motion.
mounting bracket on counterweight just in front of
stop and tail light. Open clamp and remove extin-
2-19. Operation in Extreme Cold
2-17. General
a. Protection. The truck should be stored in a heat-
Although the truck is designed primarily for ware-
ed building or shelter if possible. If a shelter is not
house operations, the truck could be operated under
available, part the truck with the front end facing
unusual conditions as described in the following para-
into the wind and cover with a tarpaulin. Fasten tar-
graphs. When operating under these conditions, extra
paulin securely to prevent it from blowing away.
care must be provided to maintain the truck in good
b. Cooling System. Service the cooling system with
operating condition. To operate under these condi-
antifreeze as shown in table 2-1 and paragraph 2-1.
tions certain additional services must be performed,
If truck is to stand for any length of time in tempera-
and certain regular maintenance procedures may be
tures of 30F or lower and antifreeze is not available,
required more often.
drain the cooling system. Attach a tag to the steering
2-18. Operation in Extreme Heat
wheel to warn personnel that the steering system has
a. Cooling System.
been drained.
c. Electrical System.
(1) Check adjustment of drive belt more often to
see that the deflection is correct (para 3-12). Belt
(1) Check specific gravity of battery more often.
should deflect inch when pressure is applied mid-
(2) Do not add water to the battery unless the
way between the pulleys.
engine is going to be operated immediately.
(2) Check coolant level more often and maintain
(3) Keep battery charged as much as possible to
insure starting at low temperatures.
level to the bottom of filler neck on radiator. Check
(4) Remove and store the battery in a warm place
radiator cap to be certain it is secure.
if truck is not going to be parked in a shelter.
(3) Keep grille and radiator free of dirt and
debris to insure good air circulation.
2-20. Operation in Sandy or Dusty Areas
(4) Flush and clean the cooling system frequently.
b. Electrical System.
a. Protect fuel and lubrication systems from en-
trance of sand. Use a bag of single layer cloth and
(1) Check battery electrolyte level more often.
loosely tie bag over entire air cleaner during sand
Maintain level inch above the plates.
storms. Clean fuel filter bowl, air cleaner, and oil
(2) Check specific gravity of battery (para 3-11)
filler breather daily.
more often.
b. Remove all sand from axles, wheels, steering
(3) Clean battery cables frequently.
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