![]() (37) Reposition housing in vise with edges of
flush or slightly below the sleeve diameter at both ends.
mounting plate secured in vise jaws.
(38) Insure that spool and sleeve are flush or
(18) Place power steering gear housing on a
slightly below 14-hole surface of housing.
solid surface with port facing downward.
(19) Install spool assembly with splined end of
components, clean all flat surfaces
spool entering 14-hole end of housing first.
using hand or thumb pressure.
Caution: Use extreme care to
(39) Clean upper surface of housing using
insure that parts are correctly
hand or thumb.
positioned during installation.
(40) Position plate so that bolt holes in plate
(20) Push parts gently into position using a
are aligned with tapped holes in housing.
slight rotating motion. (fig. 3-65 and 3-66.)
(41) Position meter gear ring on assembly and
Caution: Insure
align bolt holes.
assembly is properly installed to
(42) Install splined end of drive shaft into meter
prevent centering pin from falling into
gear star.
discharge groove of housing.
(43) Insure that slot at control end of drive shaft
(21) Position spool assembly into housing bore
is aligned with valleys between meter gear teeth.
until flush with 14-hole end of housing.
(44) Push splined end of drive shaft through
Caution: Insure
gear until spline extends approximately one-half the
rotates smoothly in housing when
length of spline beyond meter gear star.
fingertip pressure is applied at
(45) Insure that completed assembly remains
splined end.
in this position while installing into unit.
(22) Check spool for freedom of rotation.
(46) Check positioning of centering pin within
(23) While holding parts in this position, place
the unit.
14-hole end of spool assembly on a wooden block in vise
(47) Install meter gear star into meter gear ring.
(48) Carefully position parts so that drive shaft
(24) Clamp vise jaws lightly across the port
does not disengage from meter gear star.
(49) Install meter gear star while holding the
Note. Insure that new seals are
plate and meter gear ring in position on the assembly.
(25) Install new preformed packing seal on
Caution: Alignment
of cross
check plug.
in drive shaft with valleys
(26) Install check plug into check hole using a
between teeth of meter gear star
steady pressure and rocking plug slightly to prevent
determines proper valve timing of the
damage to preformed packing. ( fig. 3-67.)
unit. There are 12 teeth on the spline
(27) Position large outside diameter chamfer
and 6 teeth on the meter gear star.
end of cap locator bushing partly into end of housing.
Misalignment will result if teeth on
(28) While applying fingertip pressure and
spline and teeth on meter gear star
rotating cap locator bushing, check that bushing is
are not properly positioned. If parts
seating against spool assembly.
(29) Inspect mounting plate seal grooves and
reassembly, recheck and insure
insure that grooves are clean and smooth.
proper alignment.
(50) Rotate meter gear star slowly and engage
larger than grooves to provide proper
cross slot of drive shaft with centering pin.
sealing. When thin oil seal at exterior
(51) Insure that splined end of drive shaft is
of mounting plate is installed, insure
seated against plate.
that seal is pressed into counterbore
(52) Position spacer at end of meter gear star.
so that lip is positioned away from
(53) If spacer is not flush with meter gear star
the unit.
surface, drive shaft is not properly engaged with
(30) Place seals in grooves and apply fingertip
centering pin.
pressure to insure proper positioning.
(54) If drive shaft is properly installed, place
(31) Position thin oil seal at exterior of
meter end cap on the assembly.
mounting plate so that lip is away from the unit.
(55) Install two screws and fingertighten to
(32) Position mounting plate over spool shaft.
maintain proper alignment of parts.
(33) Carefully' slide mounting plate into position
(56) Install remaining screws.
over cap locator bushing and insure that seals remain in
(57) Torque seven screws to 150 inch-pounds.
(58) Install steering column by rotating drive
(34) Align bolt holes in cover with tapped holes
shaft and engaging the splines while bringing
in housing.
surfaces into contact with each other.
(35) Check that mounting plate is properly
(36) Install four mounting plate screws and
torque to 250 inch-pounds.
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