![]() (2) Remove the primary lift cylinder (para 2-
(1) Using an adjustable spanning tool, locate
the narrowest point on the rear inside of the outer mast
crosshead (7).
channel. (fig. 3-40.) Lock the tool in this position. Set
(3) Remove the spacer (19) and the
an adjustable outside spanning tool to match the inside
secondary lift cylinder (para 2-18).
spanning tool and lock in position.
(4) Remove the spring (33), interlock (34) and
(2) Install bearings on shafts at the bottom of
stop (27). Slide the inner mast (40) out the bottom of the
the intermediate mast assembly. Using the outside
intermediate mast (50).
spanning tool, span bearings at the maximum camber
(5) Remove the striker (42) and slide the
point. Add shims as required to obtain a maximum
intermediate mast (50) out the top of the outer mast (57).
clearance of 0.015 inch between the hearings and the
(6) Remove the shaft (48) bearing (44),
outside spanning tool. Divide shims as equally as
bearing (37), and lubrication fitting (52).
possible between bearings.
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
Note. If an odd number of shims is
(1) Clean structural components with a soap
required, place the extra shim on the same side of all
solution and rinse with clean water. Soak chains for four
mast sections and carriage so that the mast will be
hours in a solution of 50 percent engine oil with 50
percent solvent. Wipe dry. Clean remaining parts with
(3) Using the outside spanning tool, find the
widest point in the outside width on the web on the
(2) Inspect the mast structures for cracks,
intermediate mast assembly. Install bearings on the
fatigue lines, distorted or misaligned channels, broken
shafts at the top inside of the outer mast. Use the inside
welds, and other damage. Repair cracks and minor
spanning tool to span bearings at the maximum camber
breaks in the mast by welding. Avoid heat distortion.
point. Check the clearance between the spanning tools.
Replace the mast if damage is excessive.
Add shims as necessary to obtain a maximum clearance
(3) Inspect bushings and rollers for wear,
of 0.015 inch.
scoring, pitting, discoloration, and other damage.
(4) Repeat (2) and (3) to adjust the upper
Replace if damaged.
bearings on the inside of the intermediate mast and the
(4) Inspect chains for worn or damaged links.
lower bearings on the inner mast.
Replace as required.
(5) Raise and lower the mast and carriage
(5) Inspect all other components for damage,
several times to check for free movement throughout the
distortion, and wear.
Repair or replace parts as
entire range of travel. Readjust bearings if necessary.
d. Mast Bearing Adjustment.
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