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b. Installation.
and secondary lift cylinders (7 and 12, fig. 2-11.) Cap or
plug openings.
(1) Attach a chain securely around the
(4) Attach a chain hoist to the lifting eyes (13)
cylinder below the chain bolt flanges. Install the cylinder
on the back of the outer mast (181 and raise the mast
(7, fig. 2-11) in the mast assembly.
assembly enough to take the weight off the pivot pins
(2) Secure the cylinder to the mast with the
nut (2) at the bottom.
(5) Detach the tilt cylinder from the mast
(3) Install the screws (3) with washers, (4)
brackets (14).
through the guard (5) and crosshead (6) into the cylinder.
(6) Remove the screws (15), lock washers
(4) Attach lift chains to the cylinder (TM 10-
(16), and pivot pins (17).
(7) Lift the mast assembly free from the truck.
(5) Install the carriage backrest (para 2-16).
b. Installation.
(6) Unplug and reconnect all hydraulic lines to
(1) Hoist the mast assembly into position on
the cylinder.
the truck.
(7) When the cylinder assembly has been
(2) Install the pivot pins (17, fig. 2-11), lock
installed, run the lift to the extreme upper limit, then open
washers (16), and screws (15) which secure the mast to
the bleed screw (1) one or two turns. Allow the trapped
the frame.
air and foamy oil to run out. When a clear stream of oil
(3) Connect the tilt cylinders to the mast
appears, tighten the bleed screw.
brackets (14), install the lift chains, and adjust the tilt
2-18.. Secondary Lift Cylinder
cylinders (TM 10-3930-620-12).
a. Removal.
(4) Connect hydraulic lines to the primary and
(1) Remove the primary lift cylinder (para 2-
secondary lift cylinders (7 and 12).
(5) Install the carriage and backrest assembly
(2) Tag and disconnect hydraulic lines to the
secondary lift cylinder (12, fig.  2-11).  Cap or plug
(6) Lubricate g-ease fittings as instructed in
current Lubrication Order LO 10-3930-620-12.
(3) Remove the nut (8) and washer (9)
(7) Operate the mast through several cycles.
securing the upper end of the cylinder to the mast
Remove the bleed screw (1) and bleed the system until
air-free oil flows out the opening.
(4) Remove the nut (10) securing the lower
(8) Check the oil level in the hydraulic tank
end of the cylinder.
and add oil as necessary.
(5) Use a chain hoist to lift the intermediate
(9) Adjust the lift chains (subpara c).
mast (11) approximately six inches and block in place.
c. Mast and Carriage Chain Adjustment.
(6) Carefully  remove  the  secondary  lift
(1) Carriage chain adjustment. Lower the carriage to its
lowest point of travel. The bottom of the carriage lower
b. Installation.
bar should be 3.0 to 3.5 inches from the floor. Adjust the
(1) Place the secondary lift cylinder ( 12, fig.
chain adjustment bolts (19, fig. 2-11) as necessary.
2-11) into the mast assembly.
(2) Mast chain adjustment. Slowly extend the mast to its
(2) Use a chain hoist on the intermediate
maximum height. Measure the clearance between the
mast (11) to remove the block.  Lower the mast into
stop (20, fig. 2-11) on the inner mast and the crosshead
place on the secondary lift cylinder.
support (21) on the intermediate mast. The clearance
(3) Secure the cylinder to the mast assembly
should be I/32 to 1/64 inch.  Adjust chain adjustment
with the nut (10) at the bottom and the washer (9) and
bolts (22) as required.
nut (8) at the top.
Note. Ensure that chains are adjusted to equal tension.
(4) Unplug and connect the hydraulic lines to
2-20. Drag Link Assembly
the cylinder.
a. Removal. (fig. 2-12.)
(5) Install (and bleed) the primary lift cylinder
(1) Disconnect
capacitors (para 2-5).
2-19. Mast Assembly
(2) Using a suitable lifting device, raise rear
a. Removal.
end of lift truck.
(1) Lower mast fully.
(3) Install blocking and remove lifting device.
(2) Remove the carriage and backrest assembly (para 2-
(4) Loosen adjusting plug in pivot arm end of
drag link.
(3) Disconnect hydraulic lines to the primary

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