![]() according to movement of accelerator pedal. If not,
(5) Set voltmeter to 50 volt scale. Connect
speed potentiometer is defective.
between control unit terminal 2 (+ lead) and
(10) Remove the cardboard insulation from the
terminal 3 (- lead)
(6) Short circuit brake interlock switch by
b. Under voltage Test.
connecting insulated wire with alligator clips between its
two terminals.
(1) Disconnect
(7) Connect battery and turn key switch on.
capacitors (para 2-5).
Caution: Do not allow peak-reading
(2) Insulate the tips of all contractors on
contactor unit with thin cardboard (except EC contactor).
meter indication to exceed 800
(3) Disconnect the two wires from terminal 8 on
ampers at any time.
the control unit. Connect the two wires together.
(8) Set directional control switch to forward (F)
(Two n ale spade terminals connected by a one inch
position. Stall drive wheels using service brake.
piece of wire make a useful tool for this purpose.)
(9) Observe both meters and slowly depress the
(4) Connect a wire from the negative battery
accelerator pedal.
The voltmeter reading should
terminal to terminal 8 on the control unit.
increase to the full battery voltage at the current limit
(5) Connect the battery and turn the key switch
point. This should occur between 720 and 760 amperes.
(10) If current limit point is incorrect, control unit
(6) Connect the voltmeter between control unit
requires repair.
terminal 2 (+ lead) and terminal 3 (- lead). The voltmeter
(11) Disconnect battery and
should read the full battery voltage.
capacitors (para 2-5).
(7) Move the wire from the negative battery
(12) Disconnect voltmeter, peak-reading meter,
terminal to each other battery terminal, working toward
and shunt.
the positive terminal. When the voltmeter, reading
(13) Reconnect truck lead to terminal B2-.
drops to about one-half volt, measure the voltage
(14) Remove the short circuit from the brake
between the positive terminal and the terminal that
interlock switch.
produces the under voltage condition. This voltage must
d. Inching Control Adjustment. The inching control
be between 20 and 24 volts. If not, the control unit
adjustment is made following the speed potentiometer
requires repair.
adjustment of paragraph 3-6f.
(8) Disconnect battery and discharge capacitors
(1) Raise and block the drive wheels. Warning:
Be sure drive wheels are clear of blocks and ground.
(9) Disconnect the jumper wire to battery and
(2) Set the directional control switch to the
the juniper between the two wires. Reconnect the two
forward (F) position.
wires to control unit terminal 8. Remove the insulation
(3) Depress the accelerator pedal 1/2 inch
from the contactor unit.
beyond the point where the microswitch in the peed
c Current Limit Test.
control box assembly operates.
(1) Disconnect
(4) Adjust inching control R36 on the control unit
capacitors (para 2-5).
to the point where the drive wheels just barely begin to
(2) Disconnect truck lead from B2- terminal.
rotate. (fig. 3-12.)
Connect 50 millivolt, 500 ampere shunt between truck
e. Removal
lead and B2- terminal.
(1) Disconnect
(3) Connect peak-reading meter in parallel
capacitors (para 2-5t.
across shunt: Red lead to shunt terminal at B2--;black
(2) 'Tag and disconnect the leads.
lead to other shunt terminal.
(3) Remove the five nuts (1. fig. 3-13) and
(4) Set peak-reading meter to 1000 ampere
remove the control unit.
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