![]() d. Cleaning and Inspection.
that moves tie rods connected to the spindles on which
the steering wheels are mounted.
(1) Clean all parts with cleaning compound,
b. Removal. Refer to paragraph 2-14 for removal
solvent (Spec. P-S-661).
of the steering axle and wheels from the truck.
(2) Inspect tube bore, rod head, and piston for
cracks, scratches, scoring, and other damage. Repair or
5-9. Steer Wheel Bearings
replace damaged components.
a. Removal. If steering axle has not been removed
(3) Prior to assembly, coat all components
from the truck proceed as follows:
with clean hydraulic oil to aid in installation and provide
(1) Raise the rear of the truck until the wheels
initial lubrication.
clear the floor. Block front wheels securely to prevent
(4) Replace all seals and packing.
truck from rolling.
e. Assembly.
(2) Remove the hubcaps (3, fig. 5-9).
(1) Refer to figure 5-8 and assemble as
(3) Remove the cotter pin (4); from the
bearing adjusting nut (5) and remove the nuts and
(4) Remove the outer bearing cone (7).
Be careful not to damage seals and
(5) Slide the hub assembly (9) from the
packing during assembly.
steering axle spindle.
(2) Install rod seal (25) on rod (12).
(6) Remove the inner bearing cone (11) and
(3) Position backup washers (22) and packing
grease retainer (12) from the hub assembly.
(23) on piston (24).
(7) Carefully tap both bearing cups (8, 1.0)
(4) Install piston (24) on rod (12) and secure
from the hub assembly.
with nut (21).
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(5) Install packing (18), backup washer (17),
(1) Clean all parts with cleaning compound,
and wiper (13) in head (19).
solvent (Spec.
Dry thoroughly with
(6) Position head seal (20), lockring (16),
compressed air.
spacer (151, and lockring (14) on head (19).
(2) Inspect bearing cones and cups and
(7) Carefully slide piston and rod assembly
wheels for damage and excessive or uneven wear.
into cylinder (11).
(3) Replace all parts as authorized.
(8) Position head assembly over rod (12) and
(4) Repack bearings (TM 10-3930-618-20).
compress lockring (16).
c. Installation and Adjustment.
(9) With lockring (16) compressed, head
(1) Install bearing cups with the taper to the
assembly into cylinder until lockring snaps into tube
inside. Tap into place using a brass drift pin. Tap evenly
around the edge of the cup. Use care to prevent the cup
(10) Install elbows (5) in cylinder.
from binding.
(11) Install spring (28), seat (29), and adjusting
(2) Install the bearing cones and hub
plug (30) in link (3).
assemblies in reverse order of removal. Hold the hub
(12) Install nut (4) and link (3) on rod (12).
assemblies in position while installing the outer bearings.
(13) Install lubrication fitting (2), plug (31), and
(3) Install the adjusting nut(s) and washer.
cotter pin (1) in link (3).
(4) Tighten the adjusting nut and, at the same
(14) If bearing (27) was removed, press new
time, rotate the wheel until a heavy drag is felt.
bearing into bore at end of cylinder (11).
(5) Loosen the nut to the point where the
f. Installation and Adjustment. Refer to TM 10-3930-
wheel rotates freely but no bearing end play is apparent.
618-20 for installation and adjustment procedure.
(6) Install cotter pin (4) in the wheel nut and
5-8. Steering Axle and Wheels
reinstall the hubcap (3).
a. Description. The cruciform - trunnion mounted
steering axle is mounted in lubricated self-aligning sleeve
bearings. A hydraulic operated control unit pivots an arm
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