![]() (a)
Remove all carbon, dirt, and oil from
block. Check the depth of the flange counterbores in the
block to be sure the specified sleeve protrusion above
cylinder sleeves and machine recess bore in cylinder
the top deck of the block is maintained.
block. Replace cylinder sleeves if scored or worn
2. Install the dry silicone cylinder
beyond allowable limits of 0.008 inch. Slightly scuffed
sleeve packing rings in both grooves in the cylinder
cylinder sleeves, if not worn, may sometimes be made
block. 3. Brush a light coat of light engine lubricating oil
usable by polishing or lapping to remove surface
in the lower sleeve bores and on the sleeve rubbers in
Check cylinder sleeves for roundness by
the cylinder block and on the sleeve immediately prior to
installation of the sleeve in the cylinder block.
means of a cylinder diameter checking gauge. Allowable
out-of-round when installed is 0.001 inch. Using an
inside micrometer, measure cylinder sleeve for taper and
Use only a light engine lubricating oil
wear. Inside diameter of new cylinder sleeve is 3.4379
as a lubricant for the cylinder sleeve
inch to 3.4385 inch. Cylinder sleeve should be round to
within 0.001 inch, and have no more than 0.0007-inch
cylinder sleeves in a cylinder block.
taper. Cylinder sleeves that are more that 0.001 inch
(d) With silicone rubber seal rings installed,
out- of-round or have more than 0.0007-inch taper when
install sleeve in position in cylinder block, being careful
installed, must be replaced.
These measurements
not to cut or scratch seal rings. When sleeve is nearly in
should be taken at several locations within the area of
place, apply pressure to opposite sides of sleeve with
piston ring travel.
hands and press into place with a sudden, quick
(c) If cylinder sleeves are within
application of pressure. Be careful not to get dirt under
allowable wear limits and are to be used again, there
flange of sleeve, which would prevent it from properly
may be a slight ring travel ridge near top of the sleeve
which should be removed with a ridge reamer. Follow
(e) With flange of cylinder sleeve firmly
the instructions of the manufacturer of the specific ridge
seated in counterbore of cylinder block, top surface of
cylinder sleeve must be -0.002 inch to +0.002 inch above
(d) Refer to paragraph 3-22 for
top flat surface of the cylinder block. Hold a straightedge
instructions on the fitting of pistons in cylinder sleeves.
across cylinder sleeve and use a feeler gauge to
(5) Installation of cylinder sleeve.
measure standout of sleeve flange above block.
(a) Thoroughly clean cylinder sleeve (2,
c. Cleaning and Inspection of Cylinder Block. The
cylinder block is the main structural part of the engine,
bottom surface of flange on cylinder sleeve and
therefore, whenever engine is overhauled, thoroughly
counterbore in cylinder block are clean and free from
inspect block for any damage which may render it unfit
nicks or burs.
for further use. Make inspection of block after all parts
(b) Before installing silicone rubber seal
have been removed and it has been thoroughly cleaned
rings (1) insert sleeve (2) into bore to make certain
with steam or cleaning solvent (Spec P-S-661) and dried
sleeve can be pushed down into place by hand pressure.
with compressed air. All oil passages in cylinder block
Withdraw sleeve from block. If sleeve cannot be
must be cleaned before assembling engine. Effective
inserted in above manner, more cleaning is necessary or
cleaning of these passages can be accomplished only
sleeves are distorted.
with the use of high steam pressure with a solvent used
(c) Install silicone rubber seal rings as
in the water to dissolve the sludge and foreign material
that has collected. Open all passages before flushing.
1. Thoroughly clean the cylinder
(1) Remove expansion plugs (4, fig. 3-32) at
sleeves and wipe or blow them dry. Thoroughly clean
front and rear of engine.
the sleeve bores and O-ring grooves in the cylinder
block. Check the sleeve flange counterbores in the
block to be sure the sleeve flange seats are true and
square with the upper and lower deck sleeve bores in the
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