![]() (2) Disassembly.
b. Combination Rear Lamp.
(a) Pull the rubber bezel (7) from the base (5).
(b) Loosen the terminal screws and disconnect
follows :
the wires from the lamp.
(a) Unplug the wires at the connectors.
(c) Using care, push the lamp (6) out of the
(b) Remove the nuts and washers securing the
light (1) to its mounting bracket and remove the light.
(3) Lamp replacement. The lamp can be replaced
with the light installed on the truck. Refer to (2) above.
Figure 2-31. Combination rear light. exploded view.
(2) Disassembly.
(a) Connect a voltmeter between the horn
(a) Remove the lens retainer (2).
terminal and ground and press the horn button.
(b) Remove the lens (3).
Observe the voltage reading on the voltmeter.
(c) Remove the lamp (4) by pushing in slightly
(b) If the voltage is between 0- and 10.7-volts,
and twisting counterclockwise.
check for an open circuit, defective horn relay, poor
(3) Bulb replacement. The bulk can be replaced
wiring, or a shorted horn roil.
with the light installed on the truck. Refer to (2) above.
(2) If the horn signal is weak and the voltage at
the horn terminal is normal, attempt to increase volume
2-40. Horn and Horn Relay
with the volume adjusting screw in the horn cover.
a. General. The horn and horn relay are located
Turn the screw in to increase volume : out to decrease
under the toe plate on the right-hand side. Pressing
(3) If a defective horn relay is indicated: check
the horn button actuates the horn relay. The horn
for proper airgap, point opening, and closing voltage
relay, when actuated, closes the battery-to-horn
before replacing the relay. Correct settings are as
circuit. Use of the relay permits a shorter, more direct
follows :
connection between the battery and horn. This results
(a) Air gap (with points closed)- 0.020 inch.
in higher voltage at the horn and avoids pulling full
(b) Point opening -0.018 inch.
current through the horn button.
h. Test and Adjustments. In event of horn mal-
(c) Closing voltage -8.3-10.2 volts.
c. Removal. Refer to figure 2-32 and remove the
function, always check to be sure that the battery is
horn and horn relay as follows:
producing full rated voltage before conducting the
(1) Remove the toe plate.
following tests.
(2) Disconnect all wires at the horn and the
(1) If the horn produces a weak signal, proceed
horn relay.
as follows :
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