![]() surface smoothness to less than 33 micro-inches. This
(3) Install bearing (10) in top end of plunger
finish may be obtained, after lathe turning, with a
(28). Install bearing (15) in primary cylinder (21). Install
commutator stone.
guide (26) and retaining ring (27).
(4) Install cylinder (22) with assembled items
(3) Check brush length of used brushes by
through bottom of primary plunger (28) and install both
comparing them with new brush. If brushes have less
in primary cylinder (21).
than one-half length of new brushes, replace them, as
(5) lnstall new packing (14) and retainer (13).
they probably will not last until next disassembly.
Put wiper ring (1 2) in packing nut ( 1) and install
(4) Inspect bearings. Replace if necessary.
packing nut in end of primary cylinder (21).
(6) Place packing (9) over plunger (29) and
6-205. ASSEMBLY. Reverse procedures in paragraph
install packing retainer (8). Put wiper ring (7) in packing
nut (6); lnstall nut over plunger (29) and thread into
6-206. TEST. Test as follows:
plunger (28). Install two new washers (2) and replace
(1) Excite the field with rated current and
screws (1).
(2) Seat the brushes, and run the motor with
low (6 or 12 volts DC) voltage on the armature
6-202. DISASSEMBLY. Clean exterior thoroughly, then
terminals. Armature must now turn clockwise, viewed
disassemble only as far as necessary to repair, as
from commutator end.
(3) After brushes have been seated and
(1) Remove screws (5 1 and 54, figure 7-36)
motor has run for four minutes, check bearing housings
washers and nuts, and take off covers (50).
for head caused by motor yoke misalignment or bad
(2) Disconnect leads (37 and 38) at brush
Observe commutator and brushes for
holders (43). Remove brushes (42) from motor.
sparking at this time.
(3) Remove screws (28) and washers (29).
(4) Make a high potential test above ground
Take off rear motor yoke (27). Remove screws (23),
on all windings, using a 115 volt AC test light.
washers (24), bearing retainer (22), washer (25) and
bearing (26).
(4) Remove socket head screws inside brush
Clean motor exterior
inspection holes, which attach front motor yoke (49) to
thoroughly with solvent, and disassemble as follows:
motor ring (7 1) and separate ring, armature (59) and
(1) Remove both covers (4, figure 7-15),
yoke (49). Take nut (60), washers (36, 61 and 62),
remove screws (13) and washers, and take brushes (12)
insulator (35) and leads (37-38) from yoke.
from motor.
(5) Remove screws (70) to free pole pieces
(2) Remove screws (9) and take grease cap
(69), insulators and field coils (66).
(8), retaining ring (11) and bearing (10) from end bell
6-203. CLEANING. Clean parts as follows:
(3) Remove screws (40) and take front end
(1) Remove as much dirt as practical from
bell (39) from motor housing (53).
parts with compressed air.
(4) Remove nuts (23), washers (24 and 25),
(2) Wipe remaining dirt from parts with a
studs (28) and connectors (34 and 35), and insulators
cloth slightly moistened with solvent. Do not wet
(27, 36, 22 and 38).
armature or field windings.
(3) Clean commutators to bright finish with a
commutator stone. Do not use emery cloth.
Tag wires to insure correct assembly and proper
rotation of motor.
Proceed as
(5) Remove brush holders (16) and insulators
(21 and 20).
(1) If balancing machine is available, check
(6) Remove screws (43) and retaining ring
that armature dynamic balance is within 1 inch- ounce,
(46). Separate end bell (42) from motor housing (53). If
at 3000 revolutions per minute.
bearing (45) remained in bell housing, remove.
(2) Measure commutator runout. If in excess
(7) Remove armature (47) from motor
of 0.002 inch total indicator reading, turn in lathe, truing
housing. Pull bearing from shaft if necessary.
commutator within above limits, and holding copper
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