![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-109. Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Directional -
d. Replace terminal boards and contact fingers if
Control Switch
contact points are pitted or burned.
a. Blow dust from parts with compressed air under
moderate pressure.
Reassembly of Directional Control Switch
b. If additional cleaning is required, wash parts in
a. Position trip lever in housing, install trip shaft
SD and dry with compressed air.
and secure with flatwasher, lockwasher and nut.
3-110. Inspection of Directional Control Switch
b. Insert shaft through side of housing, then
through bushing and carrier. Secure carrier to shaft with
screw, lockwasher and fiatwasher.
a. Inspect threaded parts and tapped holes for
stripped threads or other thread damage.
c. Insert pins through arms; then, place arms in
housing and secure with clips and screws.
b. Inspect cover, housing, lever, arms, clips,
carrier, contact fingers and terminal boards for cracks,
d. Hook ends of springs to studs in arms. Rotate
distortion, corrosion or other damage.
shaft and check for proper detent action.
c. Inspect contacts on terminal boards and on
e. Install terminal boards in housing with screws.
contact fingers for pitting, burning or other damage.
f. With spring inserted between contact fingers,
d. Inspect springs for excessive stretch.
squeeze fingers together and insert in carrier; then,
rotate fingers 1/4 turn to lock, in carrier.
3-111. Repair and Replacement of Directional
g. Secure cover to housing with screws and
Control Switch Parts
washers and attach lever to shaft with screw and
a. Repair minor thread damage with a tap or
thread chaser.
b. Replace all cracked, distorted or corroded parts.
c. Replace springs if damaged in any way.
Description of Pump and Master Switch
c. Remove screws securing guide to armature and
screws securing support to frame assembly and
Two single pole relays of similar design are used in the
withdraw these parts.
electrical control system. Each relay has a single
d. Remove retaining ring, cup washers and spring
normally open set of contacts. One contact of the set is
from pin, and separate pin and contact support from
mounted on the relay armature which is spring loaded in
the open position. The other contact is mounted on a
fixed contact support.
threaded studs on contacts and remove contacts from
both contact supports.
3-114. Removal of Pump and Master Switch Relays
f. Remove screws and flatwashers which secure
Removal of the pump and master switch relays from the
U-shaped contact support to base and withdraw contact
control panel is required for repair as described in the
support and shims.
following instructions. Refer to paragraph 226 or 227 as
g. Remove screws and flatwashers from posts;
appropriate for removal procedures.
then, unscrew posts from frame assembly and remove
Disassembly of Pump and Master Switch
h. Remove retaining ring from frame assembly
Relays (fig. 3-22)
and lift coil and spring washer from frame assembly.
a. Remove capscrew and lockwasher at each end
i. To separate frame assembly from base, take
of shunt and withdraw shunt and terminal from contact
out screws and flatwashers which secure frame
support and terminal from contact support and frame
assembly to base.
b. Remove self-locking nut, cup washer and spring
from screw extending through fulcrum, guide and
support; then, remove screw and fulcrum.
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