![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-46. Disassembly of Hydraulic Pump (fig. 3-10).
3-49. Repair and Replacement of Hydraulic Pump
a. Remove retaining ring from internal groove in
mounting flange cover; then, take out capscrews which
a. Repair minor thread damage with tap or thread
secure mounting flange cover to pump housing.
b. Carefully separate mounting flange cover from
b. Replace parts that are cracked or distorted or
pump housing and take out seals, packings, drive gear
that are excessively worn.
shaft, driven gear shaft, bearings and packing retainer.
c. Replace all packings and' seals at each
c. Do not remove pins from pump housing unless
replacement is required.
3-50. Reassembly of Hydraulic Pump (fig. 3-10)
Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Hydraulic
a. Press pins into holes in pump housing until pins
a. Wash all parts in SD and dry with soft cloth or
b. Install large packing in recess in mounting
with compressed air under moderate pressure.
flange cover.
b. Ensure that all fluid passages in housing are
c. Install packings on flanges of bearings and
free of obstructions.
secure with packing retainers.
d. Install small packings in recesses of pump
3-48. Inspection of Hydraulic Pump Parts
a. Inspect all threaded parts and tapped holes for
e. Assemble bearings on both ends of drive gear
stripped threads or other damage.
shaft and driven gear shaft; then, insert shafts into pump
b. Inspect mounting flange cover, housing, drive
gear shaft and driven gear shaft for cracks and
f. Carefully aline mounting flange cover with pump
housing and shafts; then, secure to pump housing with
and for excessive wear as indicated by loose fit on
g. Insert seal into mounting flange cover around
bearing surfaces of drive gear shaft and driven gear
end of drive gear shaft and secure with retaining ring.
d. Inspect teeth on drive gear shaft and driven
3-51. Installation of Hydraulic Pump
gear shaft for pitting, chipping and excessive wear.
After hydraulic pump has been reassembled, reinstall
e. Inspect interior surfaces of pump housing for
pump on truck. Refer to paragraph 2-21 for installation
scoring, pitting and other damage.
3-54. Disassembly of Control Valve (fig. 3-11)
3-52. Description of Control Valve
The hydraulic direction control valve is a two-spool fluid
a. Remove relief valve cap nut, loosen jamnut in
control valve with a spring loaded control handle for
adjustment setscrew; then, unscrew adjustment
each spool. The inboard control handle and spool
setscrew from relief valve plug.
control fluid flow to and from hoist cylinder for raising
b. Unscrew relief valve plug from valve body and
and lowering the forks. The outboard handle and spool
take out spring seat, spring and poppet. Remove
control fluid flow to the two tilt cylinders. Each control
packing from groove in poppet.
handle has two actuating positions and a center neutral
c. Remove plug from valve body opposite relief
valve and take bearing out of valve body.
d. Remove plugs from valve body opposite
3-53. Removal of Control Valve
plungers; then, remove gaskets from plugs.
Removal of control valve from truck is required for
overhaul as described in the following instructions.
Refer to paragraph 2-17 for removal procedure.
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