![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
for axle shaft endplay with a dial indicator. If no endplay
r. Install hubs on axle shafts, using keys. Secure
is indicated, add shims until endplay can be measured;
hubs with washers and nuts. Tighten nuts securely and
then, remove shims to obtain required bearing
insert cotter pins through ends of axle shafts.
s. Install hub caps.
Install brake tubing between fitting on axle
t. Install front wheels (TM 10-3930-609-12).
housing and adapter on brake assembly at each end of
Lubricate drive axle and adapter after
drive axle.
reinstallation on truck (LO 10-3930-609-12).
3-15. Description of Steering Axle (fig. 3-4)
b. Inspect threaded parts for stripped or damaged
The steering axle comprises a forged axle, two steering
arms (to which the rear truck wheels mount), a bellerank
c. Inspect tierods for damaged ends. Also check
and axle mounting blocks. The bellcrank connects to
that tierods are not bent or deformed.
the steering gear by means of a draglink. Conventional
d. Inspect axle, bellcrank, spindle pins and
tierods connect the bellcrank to the two steering arms.
steering arms for cracks and distortion.
e. Inspect bearings in bellcrank and bearings in
3-16. Removal of Steering Axle
steering arms and bearings in axle forging for wear.
Overhaul of the steering axle required removal of the
axle from the truck. Refer to paragraph 2-23 for
3-20. Repair and Replacement of Parts Removed
removal of steering axle.
from Steering Axle
a. If practicable, repair damaged threads with a tap
3-17. Disassembly of Steering Axle (fig. 3-4)
or thread chaser.
a. Remove two neoprene axle blocks from
b. Replace all parts that are cracked, worn,
trunnions on axle.
distorted or deteriorated.
b. Remove rear wheels (TM 10-3930-609-12).
c. Remove cotterpins and nut from outer ends of
3-21. Reassembly of Steering Axle
tierods, and disengage tierod end from steering arms
and bellcrank.
pack spindle bearings with grease, GAA (LO 10-3930-
d. Remove retaining ring which secures bellcrank
to axle; then, remove washer and lift bellcrank with
b. Position steering arms in yokes of axle and
bearings and lower washer off axle.
insert spindle pins. Secure spindle pins with screws,
e. Press bearings out of bellcrank only if
washers and nuts.
replacement is Tequired.
c. Press bearings into bearing hole in bellcrank.
f. Remove nuts, washers and screws which secure
d. Place washer on trunnion of axle, then, install
spindle pins; then, drive out spindle pins and remove
bellcrank on trunnion. Secure bellcrank with washer and
steering arms from axle.
retaining ring.
g. If spindle bearings require replacement, press
e. Lubricate bellcrank with grease, GAA, using
bearings out of axle.
lubrication fitting in bellcrank (LO 10-3980-609-12).
f. Insert ends of tierods into steering arms and
3-18. Cleaning Parts Removed from Steering Axle
bellcrank and secure tierod ends with nuts. Secure nuts
a. Wash all metallic parts in SD and dry with
with cotterpins.
compressed air under moderate pressure. Be sure to
g. Place axle blocks on axle trunnions.
clean parts thoroughly to facilitate inspection.
h. Install rear wheels (TM 10-3930-609-12).
b. Clean neoprene axle blocks with cloth or cotton
waste moistened with SD.
3-22. Installation and Adjustment of Steering Axle
Install steering axle as described in paragraph 2-23.
3-19. Inspecting Parts Removed from Steering Axle
After installation, adjust tierods (TM 10-3930-609-12).
deformation, splitting and deterioration.
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