![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
compound, protective grease, etc.; prepare parts
connections is usually evidenced by too much
as required (oil seals, etc.); and for those parts
play (lash or lost motion). It includes illegibili-
requiring lubrication, apply the lubricant pre-
ty as applied to markings and data plates, and
scribed in the lubrication order.
printed matter.
d. General Cleaning. Any special cleaning in-
e. General Precautions in Cleaning.
structions required for specific mechanism or
(1) Dry-cleaning solvent and volatile min-
parts are contained in the pertinent section. Gen-
eral spirits are inflammable and should not be
eral cleaning instructions are shown in (1)
used near an open flame. Fire extinguishers
through (4) below.
should he provided when these materials are
(1) Use dry-cleaning solvent or volatile
used. Use only in well ventilated places.
mineral spirits to clean or wash grease or oil
(2) These cleaners evaporate quickly and
from all parts of the truck.
have a drying effect on the skin. If used without
(2) A solution of one part grease-cleaning
gloves, they may cause cracks in the skin and,
compound to four parts of dry-cleaning solvent
in the case of some individuals, a mild irritation
or volatile mineral spirits may be used for dis-
or inflammation.
solving grease and oil from chassis, mast and
other parts. Use cold water to rinse off any solu-
(3) Avoid getting petroleum products, such
tion which remains after cleaning.
as dry-cleaning solvent, volatile mineral spirits,
(3) After the parts are cleaned, rinse and
engine fuels, or lubricants on rubber parts as
dry them thoroughly. Apply a light grade of oil
they will deteriorate the rubber.
to all polished metal surfaces to prevent rusting.
(4) The use of diesel fuel oil, gasoline, or
(4) Before installing new parts, remove any
benzene (benzol) for cleaning is prohibited.
preservative materials, such as rust-preventive
tions and services outlined in the preventive
3-8. General
maintenance checks and services (table 3-1) and
Instructions in this section are published for the
the general services outlined in paragraph 3-7 c
information and guidance of the operator to
through 3-7 e. Refer to the applicable refer-
maintain the fork lift truck.
enced paragraphs for the corrective action re-
3-9. Operators Maintenance
quired and the performance of the specific main-
tenance service.
Operator maintenance is limited to the inspec-
ponents. Malfunctions which may occur are
3-10. General
listed in table 3-2. Each malfunction stated is
This section provides information useful in di-
followed by a list of probable causes of the
agnosing and correcting unsatisfactory operation
trouble. The corrective action recommended is
described opposite the probable cause.
or failure of the fork lift truck and its com-
Table 3-2. Troublerhooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
a. Dead battery.
Truck will not start or develop
b. Fusetron blown.
full power.
c. Defective battery plug or receptacle.
d. Contacts dirty, worn, or broken in
f. Replace accelerator master assembly
f. Snap switches malfunctioning in
accelerator master assembly.
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