![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
(2) The deficiencies and shortcomings
2-1. General
noted, and the corrective action taken will be re-
When a new truck is received by an organization,
ported on the appropriate forms prescribed and
it must be serviced as described in paragraphs
explained in TM 33-750.
2-2 and 2-3 by organizational maintenance per-
2-4. Installation of Separately Packed
2-2. Removal of Preservatives
a. Fire Extinguisher. Remove separately pack-
a. Remove tape, paper, or other packing. Use
ed fire extinguisher and install in bracket at
extreme care when unpacking and installing
front of truck. Be certain bracket clamp locks
separately packaged components.
properly to secure fire extinguisher in position.
b. Remove with SD (solvent, drycleaning)
b. Directional Control Switch Knob. Screw di-
preservative compound from exposed metal sur-
rectional control switch knob onto lever of di-
faces. Because this compound is not a lubricant,
rectional control switch secured to steering gear
take special care to see that it is completely re-
moved from all wearing surfaces.
c. Headlight.
c. Fill drive axle, hydraulic tank and master
(1) Secure headlight to left side of outer
cylinder with proper lubricant as indicated in
upright with two screws, nuts and lockwashers.
lubrication order (fig. 3-1).
(2) Remove headlight guard, bezel and
sealed beam light.
(3) Insert conduit through rear of headlight
shell and connect conduit leads securely to head-
2-3. Inspecting and Servicing the
light terminals.
(4) Install sealed beam light, bezel and
headlight guard using the same hardware that
a. Inspecting.
was removed.
(1) Inspect the packing list for missing
d. Forks. Pull up ring catch on fork, position
(2) Inspect exterior surfaces for broken or
fork in desired location on carriage and release
dented parts, and for damaged painted surfaces.
ring catch to lock fork on carriage. Repeat to in-
(3) Inspect visible wiring and hydraulic
stall other fork.
lines for cuts, breaks, or other damage.
e. Battery. The battery is a Government fur-
(4) Inspect the lift chain and carriage as-
nished, 36 volt storage type, shipped dry and
sembly for damage.
separately from the equipment. The electrolyte is
(5) Inspect the controls and instruments
also packed in a separate container. Fill the bat-
for breaks, cracks, bends, or other defects.
tery with electrolyte to the level 3/8 inch above
b. Servicing.
the plates and connect the battery to a charge
(1) The organization mechanic will per-
until it is fully charged, Service in accordance
form the services and tests that are listed and
with TM 10-1690A. To install battery, proceed
described in paragraph 3-7. The services per-
as follows:
formed at this time will begin the cycle of re-
(1) Open battery compartment top and side
gularly scheduled preventive maintenance serv-
doors. Latch top door to overhead guard.
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