2. Damaged hoist cylinder.
2. Repair or replace cylinder.
3. Latching mechanism in wrong position, defective or
3. Check and change position of latching mechanism as
will not release
necessary. During free-lift: The inner latch should be
locking the outer latch in position; the rear latch should
engage the allen-head screw on the upper crossmember
of the outer upright. Check entire mechanism for sheared
pins, broken screws, worn bushings and maladjustment.
Rotate inner latch by hand. The latch should return to rest
position quickly, when released, if it does not, the shaft is
binding or the spring has not enough tension. Repair
latching as necessary.
Generally, there is no latch-to-latch contact made throughout the entire lifting and lowering
sequence. However, due to binding under certain conditions, the inner upright may attempt to
move out of phase. This is prevented by the latching mechanism and at this time there is a latch-
to-latch contact.
Inner Upright Will Not Raise At The End Of
The Free-Lift Stroke
1. Allen-head screw on the hoist cylinder and/or its
1. Replace. Check: The carriage load rollers for
mating latch broken
excessive binding; latching mechanism for freedom of
operation and worn bushings. Replace parts and adjust as
necessary to restore normal latch function,
Load Drops Slightly - (Tilt And Hoist Cylinders
Control Valve Plunger In Neutral
1. Scored check valve in control valve
1. Reseat check valve. Replace control valve parts as
2. Oil by-passing tilt cylinder
2. Replace packing and other cylinder parts as necessary.
3. Oil leakage past plunger
Replace plunger or control valve assembly, if
4. Oil leakage at hydraulic connections or
4. Tighten fittings. Replace fittings and/or mating
defective hoses
component or hoses as necessary.
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