4. Strip bearings or thrust plugs improperly adjusted or
4. Delete shims from strip bearings until smooth operation
insufficient lubrication.
is attained. Unscrew each thrust plug equally, until
smooth operation is attained. Lubricate sliding surfaces.
5. Too many shims behind load rollers on carriage.
5. Delete shims until smooth operation is attained.
6. Latching mechanism improperly adjusted. This
6, Check: Adjustment, latches and bushings for wear,
condition is sometimes accompanied with a scraping
allen-head screws on carriage and cylinder for wear or
and/or popping noises
looseness. Repair as necessary. Add or delete pad-
bracket shims as necessary to maintain proper latch-to-
latch clearance. Adjust horizontal clearance with thrust
Inner Upright Raises Before End Of Free-Lift
1. Allen-head screw on upper crossmember of outer
1. Install new screw.
upright missing or broken.
2. Rear latch broken or turning on shaft.
2. Install new latch and/or pin.
3. Shaft turning in front latch (nearest to channel)
3. Install new latch and/or pin.
or latch broken
4. Latching mechanism not locking Free-up
4. Check and replace spring if necessary.
mechanism. Add or delete pad-to-bracket shims.
Adjust horizontal clearance between latches. Check
for worn or broken parts; replace as necessary.
Whenever the latching mechanism is found to be broken or worn excessively, always check
uprights and carriage load rollers for binding and maladjustments.
Uprights Fail To Lower Or Will Not Lower
Completely (No Load)
1. Uprights binding, too many shims between strip
1. Delete shims as necessary to allow smooth lowering.
bearings and uprights or carriage and load rollers.
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