Make sure the O-ring starts in evenly and is not pinched
15. Push the piston into the cylinder bore until
or cut during assembly.
retainer makes contact with the cylinder.
16. Work the retainer into position with a steady,
With the bushing seated in the
even pressure.
retainer and a new packing set in
place, the packing may extend
beyond the end of retainer about 1/16
Make sure the O-ring and back-up
of an inch. (Fig. 36)
ring are not damaged as they pass
the chamfer of the cylinder bore.
17. Turn washer into the cylinder a few turns. Push
piston back and forth a few times to eliminate any slight
mis-alignment. Turn threaded washer all the way into
the cylinder. Tighten set screw.
Use reverse of removal procedure. Refer to UPRIGHT
ADJUSTMENTS for adjustment procedures.
Figure 36.
The following instructions should be explicitly followed to
obtain maximum benefit from this type of packing.
8. Push bushing and retainer assembly on the
piston rod from the piston end of the rod. Pushing from
1. The stack height (A), Figures 37 and 38, of the
the opposite end may damage packing lips.
packing should be such as to fit just snug in the installed
position. There should not be any excessive preloading
of the packing. However, the bushing may extend
9. Place flat piston half in position on the rod.
approximately 1/16 inch beyond the retainer, especially
Install packing on the remaining half, with lips away
when a new packing set is installed. (Fig. 36) The
from the flange.
initial sealing action of the packing is provided by
dimensional tolerances. Therefore, when installing a
10. Place O-ring on rod, at a position halfway
new packing set, the packing should extend
between rod threads and piston half.
approximately 1/8 inch beyond the bushing. (Fig. 39)
Under no circumstances should the packing height be
11. Slide piston half with packing on the rod until
even with the end of bushing. It should always protrude.
contact is made with the O-ring.
This insures that the packing lips will seal on the initial
12. Make sure the O-ring starts in the piston
counterbore evenly and continues to move in as the
2. Any excessive preloading of the packing will
piston is pushed into position next to the previously
give a corresponding shortening of the packing life.
installed piston half.
3. The self-adjusting feature of the retainer
13. Secure piston in position with nut.
assembly or piston will give extra sealing action at the
14. Slide threaded nut toward the piston end until
retainer and bushing contact the piston.
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