Two double-acting cylinders are used to control the tilt
3. Remove cotter and anchor pin from the anchor
angle of the upright. Each cylinder is equipped with
point on the main frame.
self-adjusting chevron packing. Before servicing the
cylinder, precautions should be taken to insure
4. Lift the cylinder from the truck.
cleanliness, as with all types of hydraulic equipment.
If both cylinders are to be removed, place a 2 x
6 inch block beneath the outer upright channels.
1. Remove the cotter pin and anchor pin at the
upright. (Fig. 28)
Figure 30.
1. Loosen set screw. (Fig. 31) Unscrew the
threaded washer. (Fig. 32) Pull the piston rod and
packing gland assembly from the shell. (Fig. 33)
Figure 28.
2. Remove the floor plates. (Fig. 29)
Disconnect the hydraulic lines at the cylinders
and cap all openings to prevent foreign matter
from entering the system.
Figure 31.
Figure 29.
Figure 32.
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