is locked in position by the right rear latch. Under these
conditions the inner upright is secured to the outer and
will remain so until the right rear latch is rotated to
unlock the left latch. This happens when the carriage
ceases to free-lift.
During the free-lift stroke, the carriage rises to the top of
the inner upright without any extension of the upright.
At the end of the free-lift stroke, the carriage lug
engages and rotates the front latch, which rotates the
right rear latch, unlocking the left rear latch. At the
same time, the lifting blocks make contact.
As the carriage continues to rise, it carries the inner
upright with it. Raising the inner upright rotates the left
rear latch, disengaging it from the lug. When the left
rear latch is rotated, it looks the right rear latch, At this
stage of operation, and until the carriage is lowered past
this stage, the carriage is secured to the inner upright.
Figure 8.
4, Remove the carriage chain anchor pins and
When the carriage is lowered, the outer upright lug
disconnect the load chains from the carriage.
engages and rotates the left rear latch, unlocking the left
rear latch, When the right rear latch is free to rotate, so
5., Hoist the upright free of the truck and at the
is the front latch. The front latch rotates and the
same time guide the carriage out of the bottom of the
carriage lug is disengaged as the carriage continues to
C. DISASSEMBLY (Figs. 6 and 7)
With the upright assembly in a horizontal
1. Be sure hoist cylinder is completely collapsed.
position, remove the snap ring from the front of each
Disconnect the pressure hose from hoist cylinder and
carriage chain anchor. Push the anchors out of the
uncouple the cylinder bleed back hose.
carriage crossmember.
2. Remove the front wheels. Fasten an overhead hoist
2. Using a sling and a hoist, sling the carriage and
to the uprights to support and move them. All uprights
pull it out of the inner upright.
should be secured together.
Remove the hanger
bearing caps, noting the shims located behind them.
3. Disconnect the tilt cylinders from the uprights by
removing the pin retainers and the anchor pins (Fig. 8).
Figure 9.
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