End clearance of the axle is adjusted by shims placed
between the washer and saddle.
The axle is bored in the proper geometrical location,
which when aligned with a similar hole in the steering
center arm, facilitates correct wheel alignment.
Manual steering trucks have adjustable stops located in
the axle frame.
Steering center arm and spindles are held in by a heat-
treated pin. The pin rotates within replaceable needle
bearings. Vertical clearance is controlled by shimming.
The needle bearings retain their position by a press fit.
1. Raise rear of truck and block in position,
Figure 2.
Remove wheels and hubs. Disconnect drag link.
2. Raise roller-equipped jack against each end of
axle, in such position as to rest axle on jacks when axle
is released from the truck.
If preferable, the wheels may be left on and
the assembly rolled from under the truck.
3. Mark and remove front and rear stub shaft caps.
clear of the frame. Then remove axle from either side
of the truck.
1, Remove the nut and lockwasher from the taper
bolt and drive the bolt from the spindle. (Fig. 3)
2. With a heavy drift, drive through the bearing on
the topside of the axle down until the bearing and king
Figure 3.
pin on opposite side are free. Remove the king pin and
pull the spindle, spindle spacer and thrust bearing from
the axle. The thrust bearing is between the upper axle
Step 2 refers to an axle equipped with
support and the spindle. Complete bearing removal.
closed end bearing. If the axle is equipped
with open end bearings, the caps must be
removed before the pin can be driven out.
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