![]() BRAKES
condition, can be removed by sanding with coarse
4. Place one of the return spring hooks in one shoe
and stretch the spring far enough to hook to other end in
the opposite shoe.
4. The brake shoe linings should be replaced if
worn almost to the table or if the bonding agent is
5. Hook one end of the retaining spring in a brake
failing. Do not attempt to save lining with deep scores
shoe hole and the other end in the hole of the opposite
or soaked with either grease or brake fluid.
5. Check all springs and shoe hold-down parts.
6. Back off adjusting cams.
Discard any part that is broken, rusted, twisted, nicked
or appears fatigued.
7. After making sure there is no dirt in the wheel
drum assembly, slide assembly onto the hub, being
6. Replace wheels with elongated mounting holes.
careful not to damage the stud threads. Place a tapered
Check threads on wheel studs and wheel nuts.
dowel on the proper studs and secure assembly with the
attaching nuts.
7. Check adjusting cams and cam friction lock
springs. Cams should turn easily, but must not be
8. Bleed the hydraulic system and apply the
loose. If the cam is seized, soak in kerosene or
brakes, to center the shoes.
penetrating oil to loosen.
9. Adjust the brakes. Remove the blocks.
NOTE: For best results, the new linings should be
ground concentric with the brake drums. If this is
10. Test
under operating
not done, high spots may prevent proper lining to
drum contact and proper adjustment. Linings are
ground before or after the relined shoes are
installed on the axles, depending upon the type of
grinding equipment in use. Regardless of grinder
type, the known drum diameter (measure with
1. Raise the drive wheels. Remove the large pipe
micrometer if unknown) is transferred to the grinder
plug from the face of the wheels.
and the shoes are mounted and advanced into the
grinder wheel as required to make one complete
2. Release the parking brake. Turn the wheel until
grinding cut the full width and length of the lining.
the large hole is in line with an adjusting cam.
3. Using a large screw driver, tighten an adjusting
cam; then, loosen it just enough to allow the wheel to
1. Install the wheel cylinder, if it was removed.
turn. (Fig. 6) A slight drag is permissible. Adjust the
remaining cams in the same manner.
2. Insert push rod end of each shoe in wheel
cylinder and center brake shoe on backing plate.
NOTE: To set the shoes closer to the drum, tighten the
front adjusting cams by turning them clockwise. Turn
3. Install hold-down pins, cups and springs in the
the rear cams counter-clockwise to tighten them.
reverse order of removal.
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