mechanism should be checked. Proper
current. Check for these conditions where burned
engine performance cannot be obtained
contacts are experienced.
unless the centrifugal curve is within the
limits specified for the particular engine.
5. Contact Point Opening: Contact point opening
must be set to specification. Points set too closely may
Condenser: Four factors affect condenser
tend to burn and pit rapidly. Points with excessive
performance, and each factor must be considered in
separation tend to cause a weak spark at high speed.
making any condenser test.
The point opening of new points may be checked with a
feeler gauge. Use a feeler gauge on used points is not
"Breakdown" is a failure of the
recommended since the roughness of used points make
insulating material, a direct short between
it impossible to set the point opening accurately by this
the metallic elements of the condenser.
method. A dial indicator is recommended to check the
This prevents any condenser action.
point openings of used points. When necessary to
check and adjust point opening with a feeler gauge,
"Low insulation resistance" or leakage
proceed as follows: Rotate breaker cam until breaker
prevents the condenser from holding a
lever rubbing block is on the high point of the cam lobe
charge. A condenser with low insulation
thus giving the maximum point opening. Loosen the
resistance is said to be "weak".
clamp screw holding the contact support and adjust
condensers are subject to leakage, which up
point opening by 'turning the eccentric screw in the
to a certain limit is not objectionable. When
contact support. Tighten clamp screw, check with
it is considered that the ignition condenser
gauge again after tightening clamp screw. The contact
performs its function in approximately
points should be cleaned before adjusting if they have
1/12,000 of a second, it can be seen that
been in service. The cam or contact angle is the angle
leakage can be large without detrimental
in degrees of cam rotation through which the points
effects. It must be considered, however, in
remain closed.
any condenser test.
Contact Point Pressure: Contact point
"High series resistance" is excessive
pressure must fall within the limits given. Weak tension
resistance in the condenser circuit due to
will cause point chatter and ignition miss at high speed
broken strands in the condenser lead or
while excessive tension will cause undue wear of the
defective connections.
This will cause
contact points, cam and rubbing block.
burned points and ignition failure upon initial
start and at high speeds.
Use of Distributor Test Fixture
"Capacity" is built into the condenser
The distributor test fixture accurately
and is determined by the area of the
checks cam angle, spark advance and
metallic elements and the insulating and
synchronization on distributors removed
impregnating materials. For a complete
from the truck. It will also show excessive
check of the condenser, it is desirable to
distributor shaft eccentricity as indicated by
use a tester which will check for the above
variation in synchronization.
four conditions.
After a distributor has been repaired,
the calibration of the centrifugal advance
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