Lubrication: This distributor incorporates a
crankshaft pulley comes to rest with the timing mark
built-in oil reservoir from which shaft lubrication is
aligned with pointer. With pointer and timing mark
obtained through a porous bushing. This reservoir back
aligned, rotor segment should point toward mark made
of the shaft bushing is filled with light engine oil and
on distributor body in Step 1, above. (Instead, rotor
sealed before the unit is shipped. The supply of oil is
segment may point 1800 away from mark; in this case,
sufficient to last for approximately 200 hours under
engine must be rotated one complete revolution and
normal operating conditions. The oil reservoir should be
timing mark realigned with pointer.)
refilled every 100 hours of operation or more frequently
when unusual heat or other operating conditions are
With timing mark and pointer aligned and
experienced. To refill, remove the pipe plug at the base
with rotor segment pointing to No. 1 spark plug wire
of the distributor, add oil until it flows out the plug hole,
position, points should just begin to open. Loosen
then replace the plug. In addition, a trace of high
distributor mounting capscrew and turn distributor
melting point ball bearing grease should be placed on
housing clockwise until points close. Remove high
the breaker cam every 100 hours. Also at 100 hours put
tension wire from center socket in distributor cap. Turn
one drop of light engine oil on the breaker lever pivot
on ignition switch and hold end of high tension wire (still
and a few drops on the felt wick under the rotor.
connected at coil) 1/4 inch from a ground; then turn
distributor housing counterclockwise until a spark jumps
Inspection: The cap should be removed at
the gap between high tension wire and ground. When
regular intervals and the contact points, rotor and cap
spark occurs, points are open. Hold distributor in this
examined. Check the high tension wiring for frayed or
position while tightening mounting capscrew or clamp
damaged insulation and poor connections at the cap.
screw. Turn ignition switch off and install distributor
Replace if necessary. Replace the cap or rotor if they
cap. Install high tension wire to center socket in cap.
are cracked or show carbonized paths indicating the
secondary current is leaking to ground over the surface
of the material.
After engine has been thoroughly warmed
Contact Points: Contact points that are
up, drive vehicle, using grade of fuel expected to be
burned or pitted should be replaced or dressed with a
used in service. Engine should not ping or knock
clean, fine-cut contact file. The file should not be used
excessively under load and full throttle.
on other metals and should not be allowed to become
greasy or dirty. Never use emery cloth to clean contact
If knock is evident, loosen distributor
points. Contact surfaces, after considerable use, may
mounting capscrew and turn distributor housing
not appear bright and smooth, but this is not necessarily
clockwise to retard spark until knock is eliminated.
an indication that they are not functioning satisfactorily.
Manual advance should be set to obtain the
Oxidized Contact Points: Oxidized contact
best possible engine performance with the particular
points may be caused by high resistance or loose
grade of gasoline being used.
connections in the condenser circuit, oil or foreign
materials on the contact surface, or most commonly,
high break
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