Figure 28.
However, if the voltage fluctuates as
evidence by an unsteady voltmeter reading when
checking the voltage setting, the contacts may have
Figure 27.
excessive resistance or may be sticking and they,
therefore, should be cleaned.
resistance" position, and leave the ignition switch
CAUTION: Before cleaning contacts, make sure the
in the "off" position.
unsteady voltage is not being caused by loose
connections or high resistance elsewhere in the
b. Slowly decrease resistance and note closing
voltage of the relay. Adjust by bending heel iron.
2. The contacts on the voltage regulator unit are of
have an armature stop, a point opening check is
a soft material and must not be cleaned with a file, A
not required.
strip of No. 400 silicon carbide paper or equivalent
folded over and then pulled back and forth between the
contacts is recommended as a satisfactory method of
cleaning. After cleaning, the contacts should be washed
1. The voltage regulator contacts should not be
with alcohol to remove any residue. If the voltage
cleaned unless the electrical performance indicates it is
control has not improved, repeat the cleaning and
necessary. A sooty or discolored condition of the
washing process.
contacts is normal after a relatively short period of
operation and is not an indication that cleaning is
3. To clean the field relay contact,. use a thin, fine
cut, flat file. Remove only enough material to clean the
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