Clamps on battery posts and tighten firmly, then coat
c. If the specific gravity readings are 1,215-
posts and clamps with petroleum Jelly to help retard
1.270 at 800F., and variation between
cells is less than 25 gravity points (.025)
the battery presumably is at least 3/4
charged and in good condition for further
d. If the specific gravity readings are below
1.215 and the variation between cells is
less than 25 gravity points, the battery
presumably is in sound condition, but its
state of charge is too low for further use or
testing electrical circuits.
e. If the specific gravity readings show a
variation between cells of more than 25
gravity points, an unsatisfactory battery
condition is indicated, which may be
caused by shorted cells, acid loss, or a
worn out battery.
2. Voltage Test
a. Connect the voltmeter from the positive
Figure 2.
post to the negative post of the battery,
Be sure the clips make a positive
B. TESTS Before making any battery condition test,
connection with a cleanportion of the
make sure the battery terminal poets are free of
battery posts, Under a no-load condition a
corrosion, dirt and oxidation, This is necessary to
fully charged battery should read at least
insure the lowest possible resistance for all electrical
12.0 volts. (2.0 volts per cell).
b. If the reading is low, connect the
voltmeter across each individual cell. If
1. State of Charge
all cells are low but have equal readings,
the battery is low and should be charged.
a. The hydrometer test is merely a means of
c. If some cell readings are 2.0 volts and
determining the state of charge of the
another cell is discharged more than .5
battery. This test will not necessarily
volt, it indicates a short or the electrolyte
indicate whether the battery is able to
is low in that cell.
perform its normal functions, such as
b. Measure specific gravity of electrolyte in
each battery cell. The hydrometer tube
1. Batteries removed from the vehicle for charging
must be held vertically. Do not draw too
should be charged continuously
much electrolyte into the hydrometer.
The float must be freely suspended in the
electrolyte and the reading taken at eye
level. If water has been recently added to
the cells or battery fast charged, the
hydrometer reading will be false.
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