![]() FUEL
being reamed. A lathe may be substituted
The following procedure should be adhered to for proper
for the drill press in performing the
installation of the throttle shaft bushings. To properly re-
bush the throttle body of the carburetor, it is absolutely
necessary to have available the proper counterbore
reamer, line reamer and bushing drive tool.
17. Install throttle shaft and lever assembly and
a. Place a suitable centering cone in the bed
throttle plate in throttle body.
of a drill press. With one throttle shaft
18. Any deviation from the following instructions will
hole on this center, bring the spindle down
result in poor idle and low speed performance. Use new
until the counterbore reamer contacts the
screws and do not attempt to rivet threaded ends. (A
opposite shaft hole.
drop of shellac may be used for sealing.)
Use correct reamer to obtain proper press
a. Back out throttle stop screw in throttle
fit on the outside diameter of the throttle
lever. Place the throttle body assembly
shaft bushing.
on bench with mounting flange up.
b. With the casting still in place as described
b. Insert throttle shaft and lever assembly
in the above paragraph, set the stop on
with throttle lever pointing down.
the press to the length of the bushing.
c. Rotate the throttle shaft to face the cut-out
Check that the proper length bushing is
section in center. The threaded ends of
being used for the particular shaft hole
the screw holes will then be facing the
being counterbored.
idling port plug.
c. The hole is then counterbored to
d. Insert the throttle plate, starting the side of
accommodate the bushing.
the plate with the shortest distance
d. A throttle shaft bushing is driven into
between screw holes and the beveled
place using the proper bushing driver tool.
edge, into the shaft first. Center it, and
e. The bushing is then reamed with the line
then rotate shaft counterclockwise to
reamer. Use the opposite shaft hole as a
"pilot" to align the line reamer in the
e. Turn the throttle body over and start the
screws into shaft loosely. Tap the plate
f. Now turn the casting over and prepare the
lightly to center it and tighten screws
opposite hole to take the bushing. It will
firmly. Throttle plate screws are never
be necessary to reset the stops on the
installed from the mounting flange side of
spindle again as described before. Then
the casting.
counterbore the hole.
f. To properly center the plate in the throttle
g. Drive the second throttle shaft bushing
body bore, the screws should be started in
into position.
the shaft and then with the plate closed, it
should be tapped
h. Then line ream the inside diameter as the
final machining operation.
Pilot line
reamer from side opposite bushing that is
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