![]() FUEL
away from casting without tipping. Use plug extractor
5. Float Axle: Replace if any wear can be visually
for the accelerating jet channel plugs.
detected on the bearing surface.
corrosion, dirt or gum from the four passages after the
6. Fuel Valve Seat and Needle Assembly: Replace
plugs are removed by using an 1/8" drill with the cutting
fuel valve seat and needle because both parts wear, and
tip ground blunt to avoid damaging the casting. Clean
may cause improper float level.
fuel bowl thoroughly with cleaning solution and rinse in
Idle Adjusting Needle and Spring: Inspect point
solvent. Remove the two throttle plate screws (43) and
of needle. This must be smooth and free of ridges.
remove the throttle plate (42) and throttle shaft lever
8. Throttle Plate: Inspect plate for burrs or
assembly (23).
damaged edges. Never clean a throttle plate with a
buffing wheel or a sharp instrument.
9. Throttle Shaft and Lever: Replace shaft and
Threaded ends of throttle plate
lever assembly if the shaft is badly worn or if lever is
screws are riveted and must be filed
loose on shaft.
flat before removal to avoid breakage
10. Vacuum Cylinder Assembly and Power Jet
or stripping of threads in shaft. Use
Valve: Replace these parts because extent of wear
caution in this operation to avoid
cannot be determined by visual inspection. Wear can
scarring the side of the throttle body
result in poor idling and power jet action.
bore or the throttle plate. Do not
11. Choke Plate Assembly: Inspect for bends,
attempt to remove the idle port plug
burrs, or damaged edges. See that poppet valve is in
from side of throttle body.
good condition and works freely.
12. Choke Plate Shaft and Lever Assembly: Check
bearing surfaces for wear. See that shaft is straight and
that lever is tight on shaft.
1. Clean all metal parts thoroug hly with carburetor
13. Air Intake Assembly: Inspect machined surfaces
cleaning solution and rinse in solvent.
of air intake for dents, warpage or other damages.
2. Blow out all passages in the air intake assembly,
14. Air cleaner must fit tight or dirt will get into the
fuel bowl assembly and throttle body.
3. Be sure all carbon deposits have been removed
15. Fuel Bowl: Examine for loose discharge nozzle
from throttle bore and idle port. It is advisable to
Examine inside bottom of bowl and all
reverse the flow of compressed air in all passages to
passages for evidence of corrosion (Metallic oxides) or
insure removal of all dirt. Never use a wire or drill to
gum deposits.
clean out Jets.
16. Gaskets: Replace all gaskets and fibre washers
4. Float Assembly: Replace float assembly if
every time the carburetor is disassembled.
loaded with gasoline, damaged, or if float axle bearing is
worn excessively. Inspect top side of float hinge for
wear where it contacts fuel valve needle.
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