![]() FUEL
12. Remove idle jet (52) from the top surface of fuel
bowl assembly (49).
1. Remove the large hex plug (3) and fibre washer
13. Remove well vent jet (15) from top surface of
(16) from top of the air intake assembly (55) using a
fuel bowl assembly (49).
13/16" wrench.
14. Remove the main jet (13) and fibre washer (14)
2. Remove the screws and lockwashers (6) which
from inside bottom of the fuel bowl.
attach the air intake assembly (55) to fuel bowl
15. Remove power jet valve assembly (12) from
inside bottom of fuel bowl.
3. Raise the air intake assembly (55) and loosen
16. Remove the main discharge jet (18) from the
gasket from the fuel bowl assembly. Lift the air intake
passage in the outside bottom of fuel bowl assembly.
(55) with gasket clear of the bowl. Avoid damage to the
17. Do not attempt to remove idle channel bushing
float (9).
(47) or nozzle bushing, as these parts are pressed in at
4. Remove gasket from air intake assembly (55).
the factory and need not be removed to service the
5. Remove float axle (10) as follows: Press
screwdriver against float axle at slotted side of float
18. Remove the lead channel plugs and the
hinge bracket and force through hinge bracket. Remove
accelerating jet channel plug (51) by first making
the float axle completely with fingers from opposite side
a center-punch mark in center of each plug.
and remove float (9).
6. Remove fuel valve needle (8), valve seat (8)
and fibre washer (7) from the air intake assembly.
In some modest the accelerating jet
7. Remove vacuum cylinder assembly (53) and
channel plug (51) is drilled at the
fibre washer (54) from air intake assembly (55).
factory to receive a plug extractor.
8. Remove the choke plate screw (1), choke plate
Drill a #46 hole in center of plug.
(2) and choke plate lever and shaft assembly (61) as
follows: File off rivited end of the choke plate screw (1).
Be careful to drill only through the plug to avoid damage
Remove choke plate screw (1). Pull out the choke plate
to casting. Insert tapered thread end of a plug extractor
shaft lever assembly (61) and choke plate (2).
tool into holes just drilled and screw down,
9. Remove the lower hex plug (19) and fibre
counterclockwise, until tool is firmly fastened into plug.
washer (18) from bottom of fuel bowl assembly (49)
Then strike opposite end of tool sharply with a light
using a 1/2" wrench.
hammer drawing plugs out of casting.
10. Remove the screws and lockwasher (48) which
The threaded tip of the extractor tool can easily break
attaches the fuel bowl assembly to throttle body (22).
off unless the casting and tool are held firmly, and the
11. Separate the fuel bowl assembly from the
extractor driven
throttle body (22). Remove the venturi (46) and gasket
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