12. Do not fill the fuel tank while the engine is
right or near the carriage or hoisting chains. This
running. Fires and explosions can result from failure to
applies not only to the driver but also to his helper. A
follow this simple rule.
helper should not be near the load or hoisting
mechanism while the driver is attempting to pick up,
13. Avoid sudden starts or stops. Unsuspecting
hoist, or deposit a load.
bystanders or close-by material can be damaged by a
truck suddenly jumping into motion and possibly going
6. Allow no one under the load or carriage. Even if
out of control. Sudden starts can hurt the truck too.
the operator has an overhead guard his helper does not.
Tires are worn, axles can be snapped, and gears
Therefore, absolutely no one should be allowed
stripped. Sudden stops can also cause you to lose a
underneath an elevated load or carriage.
load. Remember -- skid marks are a sign of bad driving.
7. Report damage or faulty operation immediately
14. Watch clearances, especially forks, upright,
-- Do not operate the truck until it is corrected. A lift
overhead guard and tail swing. Because a lift truck is
truck will only do its job safely when it is in proper
designed to perform such a wide variety of functions
working order. A truck should absolutely never be
within limited space, there are certain clearance
operated when a malfunction exists.
situations which the driver must anticipate. The driver
must be aware that his forks sometimes protrude
8. Avoid bumps, holes, slick spots, and loose
beyond the front of the load. Because of this he may
materials that may swerve or tip the truck. Different
strike objects or unintentionally lift or nudge other
models of lift trucks are designed to operate under
palletized loads.
different conditions. Cushion tire models are designed
to operate on relatively smooth, firm surfaces. Bumps,
15. Strictly observe the following load handling
holes and loose materials have the same affect as if
part of the floor dropped out from underneath the truck.
Always make sure you pick the smoothest road for your
a. Handle only loads within rated capacity.
The truck name plate rating represents the
maximum safe load that can be lifted. This
9. Travel slowly around corners. Narrow aisles
maximum rating should never be
and blind corners are fine scenes for collisions. To
exceeded. However, such factors as weak
avoid them drive slowly and sound the horn in advance.
floors, uneven terrain, or loads having a
high center of gravity may mean that the
10. Shut off the engine, lower the carriage
safe working load is considerably below the
completely, and set the parking brake when leaving the
rated capacity. When special conditions
truck. Block the wheels when on an incline or working
do exist the operator must reduce his load
on the truck.
so that his truck will remain stable.
11. Do not turn on an incline. For stability reasons a
b. Handle only stable loads. Many loads
lift truck should not be driven along the side of an incline
are made up of unstable items that can be
so that the truck is leaning sideways. Always keep the
easily dislodged. They can either upset a
front and rear ends of the truck pointed in the direction
truck or fall on someone.
of slant.
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