education in safe driving and load handling techniques
from a stack by using the hoist hand lever, the operator
is absolutely necessary to prepare the operator for
will discover that with practice the loads can be placed
proper defensive driving and enable him to anticipate
or removed entirely with the tilting mechanism, which is
the unexpected.
designed to raise the load arms slightly as the uprights
are tilted backwards.
2. "Avoid lifting or hitting anything if it appears
that it could fall on the operator or a bystander.
Practice raising the load as the truck is nearing the stack
Remember that a truck equipped with a overhead guard
while coasting into position. This reduces strain on
and load backrest provides reasonable protection to the
engine and on the brakes.
operator from falling objects, but cannot protect against
every possible impact."
5. The operator is urged to study the problem of
load handling, at all times being aware that carefully
This means that an operator should never attempt to
planned operations will produce the maximum amount
pick up any loose, unstable, or stacked load if it appears
of work with the minimum of fatigue to himself and to
that any part of the elevated load might topple through
the lift truck.
or over the top of the upright, or fall on any person who
happens to be standing nearby. It also means that to
avoid hitting certain objects such as stacked material
which could become dislodged and fall, the operator
1. To transport a load, tilt the uprights as far back
must exercise extreme care while working near such
as the nature of the load will permit and raise the load
objects and must not move his truck around with his
only high enough to clear obstructions. In moving the
load carriage elevated.
load, follow the instructions previously outlined under
"driving the lift truck." Always reduce speed gradually as
3. Have no riders, and use a secured safety
sudden stops will cause excessive brake wear and will
platform when lifting personnel. A fork lift is built only
cause the load to fall forward.
for one rider -- the operator. It is a safety hazard for
anyone to ride the forks of a truck or hitch a ride in any
2. Know the underclearance of the truck, and the
manner. If a truck is used to elevate workmen, a safety
surface upon which you are traveling at all times.
platform must be secured to prevent its slipping from the
forks, and it should have a solid floor and hand rail.
3. When operating a lift truck on a steep incline,
back down with the load.
4. Keep arms, legs, etc., inside the driver's
compartment. Arms and legs outside the machine,
coupled with narrow aisles, can be extremely
1. Operators must be trained and qualified. First,
this means the operator must be authorized to drive the
5. Keep yourself and all others clear of the
truck. Second, it means that he must thoroughly
hoisting mechanism, Particularly, never put hand, arms,
understand these safety techniques. And third, it means
head or legs through the up
that he must make sure a qualified person experienced
in operating the truck guides him through at least
several driving and load handling operations before he
attempts to operate the truck on his own. This basic
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