![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
7 - 4 . GeneraI
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly, using sol-
The forklift truck frame is constructed of
v e n t P-D-680, or equal.
w e l d e d steel channel in the conventional man-
( 2 ) Remove rust with a wire brush.
n e r . The frame is then completed by attachment
(3) Inspect the frame for distorted or
o f various brackets, fittings, counterweight, and
t w i s t e d areas or areas where the steel channel
covers, all attached by use of conventional
s e c t i o n s have collapsed or crimped. Inspect for
h a r d w a r d . The hood and panels are provided to
b r o k e n welds or cracks and other damage.
enclose and protect the components of the fork-
(4) Inspect all small parts and hardware for
l i f t truck that are mounted in the frame under
w e a r , cracks, and other damage.
t h e i r protective cover.
( 5 ) Inspect the hood and panels for dents,
c r a c k s , and other damage.
( 6 ) Straighten minor dents in the hood or
p a n e l s and weld cracks.
( 7 ) A frame that has only minor distortion
s e m b l e the frame, hood, and panels.
may be straightened and then reinforced by
w e l d i n g a suitable plate over the area. Weld
c r a c k s and broken welds. Remove welding flux
This manual is set up in the order of logical sequ-
a n d inspect the area with a dye penetrant pro-
e n c e of disassembly and reassembly. Previous
c h a p t e r s , sections and paragraphs describe the
( 8 ) Replace all defective parts.
s e q u e n c e of removal, disassembly, and reassem-
bly of various major and minor components of the
s e m b l e the frame, hood, and panels.
forklift truck.
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