![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
o t h e r means will be necessary to correct this
(2) Reassemble screws in actuation housing
fault until the nut goes on freely.
(25) using 3/8-inch thick spacers under the head
( 5 ) Reassemble thrust washers, bearings,
of the screws. This is to hold the actuator (31)
t o n g u e d washers (with internal lug), pronged
and cam assembly (44) in the gear when making
w a s h e r (with 13 external prongs), and nut.
the adjustment.
(6) Tighten nut to 10 ft-lbs torque then back
(3) Straighten prong of lockwasher (34).
off nut 1020 degrees which can be done by mov-
Remove nut (35), tongued washer (33), upper
ing the nut approximately the width of one and
thrust washer (26) and bearing (27).
o n e - h a l f lugs. Bend the lug, nearest alinement,
( 4 ) Insure that the threads of the nut and
with a notch in the nut into a notch root on the
c a m shaft are free of interference by running
the nut onto the cam shaft by using only the
( 7 ) Reassemble upper cover and jacket tube
fingers to turn the nut. If the nut cannot be
a s s e m b l y and attaching parts.
tightened in this manner, use of a thread file or
Figure 5-18. Steering gear assembly, disassembly and reas-
sembly (sheet 2 of 2).
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