![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
piston and no circulation of oil in the lines to the
c y l i n d e r ; however, oil is circulating from the
p u m p through the control valve to the reservoir
w i t h sufficient pressure only to overcome fric-
tion of lines and fittings,
( 4 ) Whenever the operator's efforts at the
s t e e r i n g wheel overcome the centering effect of
t h e springs and/or hydraulic reaction, the valve
s p o o l is moved axially, restricting one of the
r e t u r n passages to the outlet port, thus causing
an immediate increase in pressure at one of the
cylinder ports and in one end of the cylinder. At
t h e same time, the other return passage is en-
l a r g e d , allowing the oil from the discharging
e n d of the cylinder free passage to the outlet
p o r t and return to the reservoir. The immediate
e f f e c t is increased pressure in one end of the
cylinder to actuate the piston which applies
h y d r a u l i c power directly to the steering gear
p i t m a n arm or linkage part to which the cylin-
der is attached. Full pressure is obtained with a
s p o o l travel of about sixty-five one-thousandths
o f an inch. The slightest movement results in a
p r e s s u r e differential.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the horn button steering wheel
by gripping with a downward pressure and
turning counterclockwise.
( 2 ) Use a suitable puller and remove the
steering wheel (TM 10-3930-242-12).
( 3 ) Use a suitable puller and remove the
s t e e r i n g wheel arm from the pitman arm.
(4) Tag and disconnect hydraulic lines as
necessary. Place dust caps over openings to pre-
( 2 ) Power steering control valves generally
v e n t foreign matter from entering the hydraulic
u t i l i z e the hydraulic pressure in the steering
s y s t e m to urge the valve spool to its neutral
(5) Remove column from upper support
p o s i t i o n . This is called hydraulic reaction. As
the pressure in the hydraulic cylinder builds up,
( 6 ) Remove mounting flange bolts and re-
t h e hydraulic centering force increases. Thus,
m o v e gear from chassis.
t h e operator's effort on the steering wheel in
t u r n i n g a corner is greater than in a straight
a s s e m b l e the steering gear assembly.
a h e a d road correction condition. Because the
d. Cleaning and I n s p e c t i o n .
h y d r a u l i c pressure is low in the straight ahead
( 1 ) Clean all parts thoroughly, using clean
driving conditions, it is necessary to add center-
s o l v e n t P-D-680, or equal.
i n g springs to assist the hydraulic reaction in
( 2 ) Inspect the components for wear, burrs,
giving the system road feel. The feel and steer-
s c o r e d areas and other damage.
i n g effort created by the centering springs is
( 3 ) Replace all defective parts,
c o n s t a n t for any steering condition and is gen-
erally tailored to suit the vehicle application by
s e m b l e the steering gear assembly.
c h a n g i n g the spring load to give the degree of
f. Installation. Install the steering gear as-
s t e e r i n g effort desired.
s e m b l y in the reverse order of removal.
g. Thrust Bearing Ajustment Procedure.
(3) When the valve is in the center position,
(1) Remove capscrews (39, fig. 5-18) holding
the oil pressure at its two cylinder ports is low
u p p e r cover (37) and remove cover and jacket
and equal and produces ineffective forces in the
tube assembly (40).
c y l i n d e r . This results in no movement of the
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