![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
5-9. General
semble the brake assembly as follows:
This section contains information on the
maintenance of the hydraulic brake system.
(1) Hold the brake either vertically or hori-
T h i s includes the brake assembly, brake adjus-
zontally so that both frames (9) are exposed.
t e r , brake valve, the accumulator, and engine
(2) Place a screwdriver against the hook of
d r i v e n pump.
the retracting spring (1) and with a sharp blow,
d i s e n g a g e the spring from the frame, Drive the
5-10. Brake Assembly
s p r i n g s through the brake and out of the as-
a. General. The brake assembly on the rough
t e r r a i n forklift is of the expander tube brake,
(3) Lift the block and shoe assembly (2) from
3 6 0 segmented, shoe-type, actuated by an ex-
t h e frame.
pander tube. Its components include a cast, tor-
(4) Remove brake frame bolts (4).
que plate upon which the expander tube is
( 5 ) Use center punch to mark upper and
mounted and an inlet connection into which the
l o w e r frames for same location on reassembly
n o z z l e of the expander tube is inserted. Steel
a n d lift upper half of frame from torque plate
s i d e frames with welded steel torque bars are
attached to both sides of the torque plate. Brake
(6) Slide expander tube (5) and inlet connec-
l i n i n g s mounted on steel shoes are inserted be-
tion (6) from the torque plate.
tween the torque bars and side frames and held
i n position by retracting springs. Steel shields
a r e used to bridge the gap between shoes and
If expander tube is stuck to the torque plate, work
p r o t e c t the expander tube. The spring inserted
a thin piece of steel between the torque plate and
e x p a n d e r tube and draw it around the plate to
under the center of the linings and over the
free tube.
s t e e l brakeshoes withdraw the block and shoe
a s s e m b l i e s from the surface of the brakedrum
(7) Remove inlet connection from nozzle of
a f t e r the actuation pressure has been released.
expander tube, and remove O-rings (7) from
This brake system receives its oil supply
(OE/HDO10), from the forklift's main hydraulic
d. Cleaning, Inspection, Repair, and Re-
o i l supply tank. Pressure is provided by an en-
g i n e driven pump and application is controlled
( 1 ) Clean the brake assembly. Use a cloth
by an applicator valve. An accumulator is incor-
dampened in acetone or lacquer thinner. Do not
p o r a t e d in the brake system to provide operat-
s a t u r a t e components.
i n g pressure when the engine has stopped.
( 2 ) Inspect expander tube for signs of ex-
cessive heat shown by brittleness, or loose fab-
ric or rubber around the nozzle base that might
Check the lining, frequently, for wear. To
p e r m i t fluid leakage.
check wear, apply the brakes and look
( 3 ) Check for loose expander tube shields.
i n t o the spring openings in the brake
Recement all shields as described in (11) below.
frames. If the brakeshoe tends to shear
(4) Inspect brake block and shoe assemblies
the spring at a point between the frame
for separation of lining from shoe.
and the shoe (approximately 1/8 inch space
between top of spring opening and the
l e d g e of the shoe upon which spring
The friction on the braking surface of the lining
rests), travel is at a maximum. Replace
may develop ridges and grooves. The leading edge,
the linings and springs before this condi-
that which is in the direction of rotation, tends to
tion is reached. Continued operation in
wear slightly unevenly. Either of these conditions
is normal.
t h i s condition will damage the brake
(5) Inspect the frame assemblies for un-
u s u a l wear or distortion of torque bars, cracks
b. Removal.
a t the welds of torque bars, and for cracks or
(1) Remove wheel (TM 10-3930-242-12).
e l o n g a t i o n of frame bolt holes. Frames should
(2) Refer to figure 5-4 (15 thru 60) and re-
not have more than 1/16 inch longation of the bolt
m o v e the brake assembly i n numerical sequ-
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