![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
Figure 4-2. Torque converter and transmission assembly,
disassembly and reassembly (sheet 13 of 13).
(4) O u t p u t d i s c o n n e c t l i n k a g e . T h e r e a r e
two points of adjustment for the rear output
disconnect on the transmission. The shifter
t e s t of the engine and transmission as a unit,
s h a f t must be adjusted first, and then the link-
w h e r e i n the transmission output is stalled while
age. Put the shifter shaft in (rearward) until the
t h e engine is operated at full throttle. This test
e n g a g e d detent seats. Adjust the shifter shaft
w i l l indicate, by the speed which the engine
b y rotating it until the center of the linkage
r e a c h e s , whether the engine and transmission
connection hole is 0.610-0.650 inch from the
a r e performing satisfactory under full load. A
front surface of the transfer case. When the
l o w e r or higher speed than that established as
shifter shaft is pulled outward (rearward), the
normal are indications of either engine or
d i s c o n n e c t detent should seat when the center
t r a n s m i s s i o n malfunction.
o f the shaft hole is approximately 2-3/8 inches
b. Procedures.
f r o m the transfer case surface. Adjust the link-
(1) The test is made while the engine and
a g e so that the engaged and disconnect posi-
t r a n s m i s s i o n are installed. The vehicle wheels
t i o n s of the operator's control correspond ex-
m u s t be blocked securely to prevent movement.
a c t l y with the detent positions of the shaft.
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