![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
nd oil seal surfaces are induction hardened.
c . Disassembly. After the front cover is re-
rankshaft wear is usually associated with
moved, press oil seal from front cover.
e a r i n g troubles. Therefore, whenever main- or
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
connecting-rod bearings are inspected the
(1) Clean the front cover thoroughly, using
c r a n k s h a f t should also be inspected. The cam-
s o l v e n t P-D-680 or equal. Dry thoroughly.
s h a f t and balance shaft are located just below
(2) Inspect the cover for cracks or damage.
t h e top of the cylinder block. The shafts are
(3) Inspect the oil seals for wear or damage,
supported by bearings (bushing type) that are
r e p l a c e if necessary.
pressed into bores in the cylinder block. The
e. Install Oil Seals.
b a l a n c e shaft is supported by front and rear
bearing only; whereas, the camshaft is sup-
Keep the lip of the oil seal clean and free
p o r t e d by end, intermediate, and center bear-
of scratches.
i n g s . Lubrication is supplied under pressure to
(1) Support the inner face of cover on wood
the end bearings by way of passages in the cy-
l i n d e r block which lead from the main oil gal-
(2) If the outside diameter of the oil seal is
l e r y . From the end bearings, oil passes through
n o t precoated with sealant, coat the bore in
t h e hollow camshaft to the intermediate and
cover with nonhardening sealant.
c e n t e r bearings.
(3) Position the oil seal in the cover with lip
of seal pointing toward inner face of cover.
a. The engine upper front cover is attached to
(4) Press the oil seal into the cover until the
t h e cylinder block with attaching bolts. The
seal is flush with bottom of counterbore.
camshaft and balance shaft oil seals are pressed
(5) Install second oil seal in same manner.
i n t o the cover.
( 6 ) Remove excess sealant from the cover
b. Removal.
and seals.
(1) Remove various parts and assemblies
f. Installation.
f r o m engine upper front cover as outlined in
(1) Affix a new gasket to the cover.
t h e i r respective paragraphs of this manual.
(2) Install cover on engine, Tighten bolts to
( 2 ) Refer to figure 3-53 and remove front
3 5 foot-pounds torque.
(3) Apply grease to the outside diameter of
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