![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
c. Water pump.
(f) When repainting the radiator core, use
(1) Remove. R e m o v e t h e w a t e r p u m p ( T M
a thin coat of dull black radiator paint. Ordinary
oil paints do not transmit heat as well.
(2) Disassembly. Refer to figure 3-13 a n d
(g) Repair or replace a defective radiator.
d i s a s s e m b l e the water pump.
Solder all leaks in the core. Replace all defective
(3) Cleaning and inspection.
(4) Reassemble. Refer to figure 3-13(1) and
(a) Clean the body, cover, and impeller,
r e a s s e m b l e radiator.
t h o r o u g h l y , using the steam cleaning method or
(5) Testing.
t h e alkaline immersion process P-CA36. After
( a ) If a leak in the radiator can not be
use of the alkaline process, rinse the parts
located, plug the inlet, filler and overflow pipes.
t h o r o u g h l y until they are free of the alkaline
(b) Insert an air hose into outlet pipe and
p l u g opening.
(b) Clean other parts except the seal and
(c) Immerse the radiator in a vat of water
s h a f t assembly, using cleaning solvent P-D-680
and apply air pressure at 5-10 psi.
o r equal. Dry thoroughly.
(c) Inspect the. body, cover, and hardware
f o r cracks, breaks and other damage.
Do not exceed 10 pounds per square inch,
(d) Replace all defective parts.
as it may damage radiator core.
(4) Reassembly.
(6) Installation. Refer to figure 3-12 and in-
(a) Upon reassembly, use a new seal,
s h a f t assembly, and cover gasket.
stall the radiator.
Figure 3-13. Radiator and water pump, disassembly and
reassembly (sheet 2 of 2).
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