![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
g. I n s t a l l a t i o n .
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
( 1 ) Refer to figure 3-3 and install the oil
(1) Clean the oil cooler metal parts using an
a l k a l i n e cleaning compound such as P-C-436, If
( 2 ) Install the fuel filter, oil filter, and
the oil cooler core is aluminum, use dry cleaning
water pump (TM 10-3930-242-12),
s o l v e n t P-D-680, or equal.
( 2 ) Clean all lubrication oil passages with
3-4. Air Inlet Housing
c o m p r e s s e d air.
a. General. The air inlet housing is mounted
( 3 ) Inspect the housing for cracks, breaks,
o n the side of blower, It contains an air shut-
and other damage.
d o w n valve that shuts off air supply and stops
( 4 ) Inspect all mounting hardware for dam-
t h e engine whenever abnormal operating condi-
a g e . Replace damaged or defective parts.
t i o n s require an emergency shutdown,
e. Pressure Test.
b. Removal R e f e r t o f i g u r e 3 - 5 a n d r e m o v e
(1) Make a suitable plate and attach to
t h e air inlet housing,
f l a n g e d side of cooler core (use a gasket made
f r o m rubber to assure tight seal), Drill and tap
s e m b l e air inlet housing in numerical sequence,
t h e plate to permit an air hose fitting to be at-
n o t i n g the position of shutdown spring.
tached to inlet side of core.
d. Cleaning and Inspection,
(2) Apply approximately 75 psi air pressure
(1) Clean air inlet housing and hardware
a n d submerge the cooler core and plate assem-
u s i n g a cleaning solvent such as P-D-680, or
b l y in a container of water. Any leaks will be
i n d i c a t e d by air bubbles in the water. If leaks
( 2 ) Clean the housing gasket screen of dirt
a r e indicated, replace the core.
a n d foreign material, Use solvent P-D-680, or
s e m b l e oil cooler. Use new gaskets upon reas-
equal, and blow dry with low pressure compres-
sed air.
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