![]() Slip the upper lever off the creeper
released. The plunger should not
lever support.
be positioned into the valve body
far enough to cause an increase in
(2) Loosen the locking plug in the end of
the shift cycle time or the clutches
the cross-shaft, the spring loaded
to slip. The position of the plunger,
lower control lever will then rotate the
that would cause a change in the
cam plate until both creeper control
shift cycle time, varies with each
lever pins contact the left edge of the
valve body, due to the internal cored
holes in the cam plate. Then tighten
oil passages in the body.
the locking plug to approximately 10
(b) If the pedal position for creeping
foot-pounds of torque and make sure
the truck is not the same in forward
the cross-shaft does not rotate in the
and reverse gear, the cam plate may
cam plate.
be rotated slightly on the cross shaft
(3) Move the creeper plunger to its fully
to compensate for the difference in
extended position and place the creep-
travel of the clutch linkage. If the
er pedal against the pedal stop.
pedal position is lower in forward
(4) With the creeper plunger extended and
gear than in reverse, rotate the cam
the creeper pedal against the stop, re-
plate on the cross-shaft in a clock-
install the upper lever on' the creeper
wise direction (viewed from the
lever support. The hold in the upper
left side of the truck). If the pedal
lever should be aligned with the pin
position is higher in forward gear
in the lower lever. To make this align-
than in reverse gear, rotate the cam
ment, loosen ball joint jamnuts, then
plate on the cross-shaft in a coun-
turn ball joint and upper lever, as an
terclockwise direction. This adjust-
assembly, in or out as necessary to
ment will be required with each re-
align pin and hole. After alignment is
build of the transmission that af-
set, tighten ball joint jamnuts and
fects the amount of travel of the
install washers and cotter pins as
clutch linkage.
c. Creeper Pedal to Brake Pedal Control
(5) After the initial adjustments have
been made, it may be necessary to
Cable Adjustment. With the creeper pedal and
make further adjustments to the link-
brake pedal correctly adjusted, adjust the cable
age after the truck has been driven
length to eliminate all slack. Proceed as follows:
for the first time. The following con-
(1) Remove cotter pin and clevis pin, then
ditions could cause the need for fur-
disconnect cable yoke from creeper
ther adjustments:
(a) If the clutch does not completely
(2) Loosen locknut, then turn adjustable
disengage with the creeper pedal
yoke in or out as necessary to lengthen
positioned `between 1 or 2 inches
or shorten the cable.
from the floorboard, the ball joint
(3) When correct adjustment is obtained,
may be adjusted to have the creeper
plunger positioned somewhat into
connect yoke to creeper pedal and se-
cure with clevis pin and cotter pin.
the valve body with the pedal fully
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