![]() be recorded with the corrective action taken on
13. General
DA Form 2404 at the earliest possible oppor-
To insure that the truck is ready for opera-
tion at all times, it must be inspected systemat-
ically, so that defects will be discovered and
corrected before they result in serious damage
or failure. The necessary preventive mainte-
This paragraph contains an illustrated tab-
nance services to be performed are listed and
ulated listing of preventive maintenance serv-
described in paragraph 14. The item numbers
ices which must be performed by organizational
indicate the sequence of minimum inspection
requirements. Defects discovered during opera-
maintenance personnel at quarterly intervals.
A quarterly interval is equal to 3 months, or
tion of the truck will be noted for future cor-
250 hours of operation, whichever occurs first.
rection to be made as soon as operation has
The item numbers are listed consecutively and
ceased. Stop operation immediately if a defi-
indicate the sequence of minimum require-
ciency is noted during operation which would
ments. Refer to figure 3 for the quarterly pre-
damage the equipment if operation were con-
ventive maintenance services.
tinued. All deficiencies, and shortcomings will
AGO 6217A
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