AR 810-1
General Policies
AR 820-5
Dictionary of United States Army Terms
AR 320-50
Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes
AR 600-55
Motor Vehicle Driver Selection, Testing, and Licensing
AR 700-58
Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment
AR 700-3900-5
Registration of Materials Handling Equipment and Special Purpose Vehicles.
AR 746-2300-1
Color and Marking of Vehicles and Equipment
AR 750-5
Maintenance Responsibilities and Shop Operations
AR 750-8900-1
Materials Handling Equipment
AR 754-9130-1
Utilization of Automotive Gasoline
DA Pam 108-1
Index of Army Motion Pictures, Film Strips, Slides, and Phono-Recordings
DA Pam 310-1
Military Publications:
Index of Administrative Publications
DA Pam 310-2
Military Publications:
Index of Blank Forms
DA Pam 310-3
Military Publications:
Index of Doctrinal, Training, and Organizational
DA Pam 310-4
Military Publications: Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply
Manuals (types 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9), Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders,
and Modification Work Orders.
FM 21-5
Military Training
FM 21-6
Techniques of Military Instruction
FM 21-30
Military Symbols
TM 10-450
Sheet Metal Work, Body, Fender, and Radiator Repairs.
TM 10-3930-222-10
Operator's Manual; Truck, Lift, Fork, Gasoline, Pneumatic-Tired Wheels,
15,000-Pound Capacity, (Hyster Model H150C, Army Model MHE 178),
Federal Stock Number 3930-897-4632.
TM 10-3980-222-20
Organizational Maintenance Manual; Truck, Lift, Fork, Gasoline, Pneumatic-
Tired Wheels, 15,000 Pound Capacity (Hyster Model H150C, Army Model
MHE 178) Federal Stock Number 3930-897-4632.
TM 10-3930-222-20P
Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists; Truck, Lift,
Fork, Gasoline, Pneumatic-Tired Wheels, 15,000-Pound Capacity, (Hyster
Model H150C, Army Model MHE 178), Federal Stock Number 3930-897-
TM 10-3930-222-35P
Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool List; Truck, Lift,
Fork, Gasoline, Pneumatic-Tired Wheels, 15,000-Pound Capacity, (Hyster
Model H150C Army Model MHE 178), Federal Stock Number 3930-897-
TM 21-300
Driver Selection and Training (Wheeled Vehicles)
TM 38-230
Preservation, Packaging, and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment
TM 88-750
The Army Equipment Record System and Procedures
SM 3-C68P-ML,
List of Standard Reference Fuels, Solvents, and Preservative Material for
Vol 2, 1 Jul 62.
Which QMC is Assigned Logistics Responsibility.
Preparation for Delivery of Warehouse Materials Handling Equipment for
Domestic and Oversea Shipment and Storage.
LO 10-3930-222-20
Lubrication Order; Truck, Lift, Fork, Gasoline, Pneumatic-Tired Wheels, 15,000-
Pound Capacity (Hyster Model H150C, Army Model MHE 178), Federal
Stock Number 3930-897-4632.
AGO 7010A
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